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02/10/10 11:02 PM

#306413 RE: Stock Lobster #306412

BL: U.S. Losing AAA Is Way to Rein in Pelosi, Reid: David Reilly

Commentary by David Reilly

Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) -- When it comes to America’s AAA debt rating, we have to ask whether we would be better off without it.

That notion is pure heresy, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was quick this weekend to try and dispel any thought that the U.S. would ever be in for a downgrade.

“That will never happen to this country,” Geithner said during an interview with ABC News. The remark came after Moody’s Investors Service last week said the pristine U.S. rating will come under pressure unless something is done about mounting deficits.

Geithner shouldn’t have fought Moody’s report. He should have embraced it. What better way to impress upon Congress that the U.S. is very much in crisis and needs to face up to its problems.

That reality has yet to set in on Capitol Hill. Two weeks ago, for example, the Senate shot down a proposal to create a deficit-reduction commission. The measure failed because the Left worries such a committee will cut spending, while the Right is afraid it will call for tax hikes.

So no spending cuts or tax hikes, which is what we need -- just deficits as far as the eye can see. Let’s break out the fiddles already and watch Rome burn.

This is why concerns over the so-called PIGS -- Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain -- or those on the geographic and economic periphery of the European Union are really a sideshow. The real danger to markets lies with the DOLTS, or Dangerously Over-Leveraged Triple-A Superpowers.

That club currently consists of the U.S.

Let’s Pretend

So far, membership has allowed the U.S. and its elected representatives to pretend urgent action isn’t needed. After all, DOLTS have the world’s reserve currency and nukes.

This supposedly means we can spend our way out of debt because creditors like China will forever lend us money. Failing that, we can just print more dollars.

Yet even these benefits can’t change the fact that the U.S. is on an unsustainable course with deficits rising, the national debt soaring, and Social Security and Medicare preparing to go bust. At 10 percent of gross domestic product, the $1.6 trillion budget deficit for 2010 forecast by the Obama administration ranks as the highest such ratio since World War II.

The administration predicts that this ratio will fall to about 4 percent by 2015. For that to happen, though, the economic recovery mustn’t sputter.

U.S. Weakening

Debt, meanwhile, is set to climb to 77 percent of gross domestic product by 2019, according to Moody’s, while “debt affordability would be weakened by higher interest costs in the next several years.” That compares with government expectations at the end of 2008 of a future debt-to-GDP ratio of about 40 percent by the end of this decade.

No wonder investors like Marc Faber, who publishes the Gloom, Boom and Doom report, say the U.S. would carry a below- investment grade, or junk, rating if the country were a company.

And starting in 2020, things will get even worse. “It is worth noting that after 2019 is when the most serious pressures resulting from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will develop, so that failure to rein in the deficits would make it even more difficult to deal with such pressures,” Moody’s said in a credit opinion last week.

State and local governments are also in crisis, and, like their federal counterparts, are unwilling to face the harsh reality confronting them.

California Dwarfs Greece

The mire facing California, for example, makes Greece’s woes look somewhat manageable. California, staring at a $20 billion budget gap over the next 17 months, accounts for about 13 percent of the U.S. economy. Greece accounts for just 3 percent of the economy of countries that use the euro.

Things are so bad in Nevada, meanwhile, that the state could lay off every worker paid from its general fund and it would still be $300 million in the red, according to state Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley.

Given all this, Geithner should be using Moody’s AAA talk as a cudgel to beat some reality into congressional heads. So far, though, President Barack Obama has preferred to kowtow to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, rather than lead them.

From the earliest days of his administration, Obama has tried to appease both, or stood by as they hijacked and then wrecked his initiatives. This started with Obama’s acquiescence to a pork-laden stimulus bill and continued as the president gave Congress control over initiatives like the health-care overhaul and financial reform.

Getting Worse

The result is that the government has accomplished little in the face of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. And things may easily get worse.

An emboldened and divided Congress, meanwhile, shows no sense of recognizing the true extent of the meltdown. Unless there is a sense of immediate danger, there’s little chance it will do anything differently.

So while the threat of a downgrade might be unsettling, allowing the country to continue along its present course is far worse.

(David Reilly is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

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To contact the writer of this column: David Reilly at

Last Updated: February 8, 2010 21:00 EST


02/11/10 5:13 AM

#306445 RE: Stock Lobster #306412

msn>EU finance ministers agreed IMF role in Greek aid: source

February 11, 2010 4:10 AM ET
By Boris Groendahl

VIENNA (Reuters) - Euro area finance ministers agreed their countries would take "determined and coordinated action" to help Greece, drawing on IMF expertise but not the Fund's money, an EU government source said on Thursday.

Greece will have to commit to additional fiscal measures for the aid to kick in, said the source, who requested anonymity because the ministers had agreed to keep confidential the result of the conference call they held on Wednesday.

"The European Commission will design and coordinate the package, drawing on the expertise of the ECB and the IMF," the source said, adding that the ministers were unanimously against asking the IMF for financial help.

"Euro area member states will take determined and coordinated action," the source said, quoting the finance ministers agreement in the call, which laid the groundwork for an EU summit later on Thursday.

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann earlier on Thursday told Austrian radio ORF he expected an aid package for Greece to be a combination of IMF involvement and loans by EU countries.

"We are not talking about a donation or subsidies, we are talking about loans with interest which we provide to help a country in order to avoid irritations on financial markets and crises nobody can handle anymore," Faymann said.

"We don't know yet how it will be organized, but I expect it will be a cooperation between (EU member) countries and the IMF," he told ORF's morning news show on Thursday.

Faymann said it was important for the EU to stop the Greek crisis from spreading further through the European Union.

"Once financial markets are calmed down, the central bankers say there won't be a brushfire, and if we stop it at the first instance, it will have a bigger impact than if we just bury our heads in the sand," he said.

(Reporting by Boris Groendahl; Editing by Mike Peacock)