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Stock Lobster

02/10/10 8:58 AM

#305988 RE: EZ2 #305985

BL: U.S. Stock Futures Fluctuate on Prospects for Greece Rescue; Dell Advances

By Rita Nazareth

Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock-index futures fluctuated, a day after the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied back above 10,000, as investors weighed the prospects of Germany bailing out Greece.

Futures erased most of an earlier advance as a German official said no decision has been made yet on a Greek rescue. Sprint Nextel Corp. lost 4.9 percent as the third-largest U.S. wireless carrier reported sales that trailed analyst estimates, while Dean Foods Co. slumped after the nation’s biggest dairy processor forecast profit below projections. Dell Inc., the world’s third-largest maker of personal computers, advanced as Bank of America Corp. analysts recommended the shares.

Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index expiring in March added 0.1 percent to 1,067.6 at 8:25 a.m. in New York after earlier climbing as much as 0.6 percent. Dow futures climbed 0.2 percent to 10,067.7 while Nasdaq-100 Index futures added 0.2 percent to 1,755.

“It’s going to continue to be pretty choppy,” Mark Bronzo, a money manager in Irvington, New York, at Security Global Investors, which oversees $22 billion, told Bloomberg Radio. “Domestically, the economy is very slowly getting better. That’s the good news. But, of course, we have the sovereign risk issues in Europe. And hopefully they won’t spread to other parts of the world. We’re going to remain in a choppy, volatile market.”

Dow 10,000

U.S. stocks yesterday rallied, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average back above 10,000, as prospects for a bailout of Greece eased concern that deteriorating government finances will derail the global economic recovery. The Dow increased 1.5 percent, the biggest gain since Nov. 9.

Futures rose earlier after an official said German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told lawmakers that options for helping Greece extended beyond loan guarantees. The lawmaker, who attended a briefing at the Parliament in Berlin today, spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussions were confidential.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s testimony on the central bank’s strategy to exit stimulus programs will be released at 10 a.m. in Washington. He was originally scheduled to speak before the House Financial Services Committee on “Unwinding Emergency Federal Liquidity Programs and Implications for Economic Recovery.” The hearing was postponed due to snow and hasn’t been rescheduled.

More than 300 companies in the S&P 500 have reported fourth-quarter earnings since Jan. 11, and about 76 percent have beaten analysts’ estimates, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Sprint Nextel Corp., Dean Foods, Equinix Inc. and Omnicom Group Inc. are among companies announcing results today.

Falling Confidence

Confidence in the world economy dropped in February on concern worsening government finances in some European nations will derail the global recovery, according to a Bloomberg survey of users on six continents.

The Bloomberg Professional Global Confidence Index dropped to 54.9 from 66.6 in January, when the reading was at the highest level since the series began two years ago. The index exceeded 50 for a seventh month, which means there were more optimists than pessimists. The survey was conducted last week, before Germany and other European Union nations signaled they may help support Greece’s government finances.

Most Bloomberg users were less optimistic on the outlook for their equity markets in the next six months, with respondents in the U.S., the U.K. and Spain turning bearish.

To contact the reporter on this story: Rita Nazareth at

Last Updated: February 10, 2010 08:36 EST
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Stock Lobster

02/17/10 10:39 PM

#307972 RE: EZ2 #305985

Re the SEC case engulfing IHUB: Funny thing, back in 2006, 2007 I kept posting and reposting "Level 2 Warning Shots" for GHTI, XTMS, AAGH and other pump and dump stocks that all mysteriously had the same 'market makers of death' as I would call them...the same bizarre patterns on the l2s which told me something was wrong, without being able to formally explain why, the same fake bid support right before the massive dumpage...

Now I was just reading about Matt Brown's conviction, and more interestingly, the SEC complaint, which describes precisely the stocks I often used as an example. So much has become clear, down to why I wasn't permitted to post a giant nuclear waste sign in the GHTI I-box, lolol.

What an education! Could you ever learn this in college? hahah

Here's the SEC complaint, with details of how the 5 'lightly traded penny stocks' were pumped and manipulated. Fascinating:

Here is one of my posts on the subject|l2|warning

Repost: L2 Warning Shots: Speaking of being pummeled, thought I'd repost a few classic pics of what danger looks like. The CLYP, SEAB, SSGI, STGI, HDSN, HILL, LAMP, MICA 'Family Tree', as you Here they are, caught in the act, on a few recent stocks. When this picture shows up, you could have anywhere between 15 minutes to several hours to exit. This setup generally occurs after a decent run. Remeber, guys, it's always a good idea to take out your main investment, and ride freebies. Bulls make money, pigs get slaughtered.

(fyi, I'm not eliminating these plays from my watch list, these are just recent examples of a particular 'moment in time'. Nearly ALL penny stocks have dilution and waves of company selling. That's a fact. The selling may be over on these stocks, and the plays could well be safe again for running, but these are merely examples of what trouble generally looks like before a correction! There have been a few stocks recently, like HYRF at .0085, which had a similar setup, but rocketed right through to .015 without blinking. However, the odds seem to be about 15-1 against that happening when you see this kind of bid picture fwiw. For confirmation, look and see if one of the same MMs is on the ask. If so, one of those positions is fake, and it's the bid. Remember, hedge funds are almost never in the business of buying pinksheets or penny stocks. But they are very much in the business of selling them):








And of course, what it looks like when the friendly bid support turns against you:
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Stock Lobster

02/17/10 11:05 PM

#307974 RE: EZ2 #305985

>>AAGH (Asia Global Holdings) L2 Warning and SEC statement:

4. Brown planned the Asia Global pump-and-dump scheme with Defendants
Joseph Mangiapane and Marc Riviello, who were both registered representatives at a
small broker-dealer in California. Dynkowski and Defendant Nathan Michaud, who met
through, pumped the price of the stock using wash sales, matched
orders, and other manipulative trading
coordinated with false, misleading, and touting
press releases by the company. The scheme occurred in three cycles: August-September
2006, November-December 2006, and January-February 2007
. After manipulating the
price ofthe stock, Dynkowski, Brown, Mangiapane, and Riviello dumped more than 54
million shares
that had been improperly registered on SEC Form S-8 and held in nominee
accounts. The illicit proceeds from this scheme totaled at least $4,050,529.


Posted by: Stock Lobster Date: Saturday, February 10, 2007 9:50:17 AM
In reply to: Stevenvegas who wrote msg# 12222 Post # of 307973

Warning Pic 1: from Friday Morning...

this stock closed down -15%

Note that you will see MICA, CLYP, LAMP, SEAB, HDSN, SSGI and possibly other 'institutional' types of market makers on the bid. For the 100th time, kids, when you see these guys all lined up on the bid side, run. CLYP and MICA are not in the business of buying penny stocks. They are only there to make sure that retail feels safe enough to continue to buy stock they need to sell.

The tip off is seeing the same institutional market maker on the ask side. Trust me, one of those positions is fake, and it sure as hell ain't the side selling.

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Stock Lobster

06/12/10 5:59 PM

#323547 RE: EZ2 #305985

>>BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR


As I noted Tuesday, there is growing evidence that BP’s oil well – technically called the “well casing” or “well bore” – has suffered damage beneath the level of the sea floor.

The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor. Indeed, it appears that BP officials themselves have admitted to such damage. This has enormous impacts on both the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf, and the prospects for quickly stopping the leak this summer.

On May 31st, the Washington Post noted:

Sources at two companies involved with the well said that BP also discovered new damage inside the well below the seafloor and that, as a result, some of the drilling mud that was successfully forced into the well was going off to the side into rock formations.

“We discovered things that were broken in the sub-surface,” said a BP official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. He said that mud was making it “out to the side, into the formation.”

On June 2nd, Bloomberg pointed out:

Plugging the well is another challenge even after BP successfully intersects it, Robert Bea, a University of California Berkeley engineering professor, said.BP has said it believes the well bore to be damaged, which could hamper efforts to fill it with mud and set a concrete plug, Bea said.

Bea is an expert in offshore drilling and a high-level governmental adviserconcerning disasters.

On the same day, the Wall Street Journal noted that there might be a leak in BP’s well casing 1,000 feet beneath the sea floor:

BP PLC has concluded that its “top-kill” attempt last week to seal its broken well in the Gulf of Mexico may have failed due to a malfunctioning disk inside the well about 1,000 feet below the ocean floor.


The broken disk may have prevented the heavy drilling mud injected into the well last week from getting far enough down the well to overcome the pressure from the escaping oil and gas, people familiar with BP’s findings said. They said much of the drilling mud may also have escaped from the well into the rock formation outside the wellbore.

On June 7th, Senator Bill Nelson told MSNBC that he’s investigating reports of oil seeping up from additional leak points on the seafloor:

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL): Andrea we’re looking into something new right now, that there’s reports of oil that’s seeping up from the seabed… which would indicate, if that’s true, that the well casing itself is actually pierced…underneath the seabed. So, you know, the problems could be just enormous with what we’re facing.

Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC: Now let me understand better what you’re saying. If that is true that it is coming up form that seabed, even the relief well won’t be the final solution to cap this thing. That means that we’ve got oil gushing up at disparate places along the ocean floor.

Sen. Nelson: That is possible, unless you get the plug down low enough, below where the pipe would be breached.