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02/01/10 12:14 AM

#25302 RE: Gold Seeker #25301

Gold stated,"The detection of size, nodules or gritty texture is more important than the PSA test. If you listen, you will learn."

Right back at you Gold...If you listen, you will learn

The DRE Your family doctor can feel your prostate through the wall of your rectum with his or her finger. If there’s a hard lump (tumour)inside it, or there are nodules or a gritty texture
on the surface, it raises the suspicion of cancer.
If your DRE is positive, you’ll be sent to a urologist for a biopsy, whether or not your PSA is high.

Gold you have already stated that you do not get and will not get the PSA test.

HMMMM. Back to the BIOPSY thing GOLD. Where have we heard this before?

Now if the biopsy is negative what is the patient to do?

We had the so called NODULES and GRITTY TEXTURE but no cancer???
Do we stop there or do we find a doctor with longer fingers to reach further up into the rectum??

If the biopsy is positive what is the patient to do?
You have already said you will not get the prostate removed because you will not wear diapers. NOW WHAT?

Ahhhhh Watchful waiting RIGHT?

What does watchful waiting entail?

If you do not fit the criteria for watchful waiting, you may or may not benefit from this approach. If you are among those for whom untreated prostate cancer does not begin to rapidly spread, watchful waiting may be a viable option. However, if the cancer later begins to spread, you may have lost any benefits associated with early treatment.
Risks of watchful waiting
The major risk of watchful waiting is that without treatment, prostate cancer can grow and spread outside the prostate capsule before your next doctor's visit.
Even small, slow-growing tumors may become rapidly growing tumors if left untreated. And sometimes prostate cancer that appears to be small and slow growing may be larger and more aggressive than originally thought.

Watchful waiting entails regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, digital rectal exams (DRE) and/or other tests.[/b]

Sounds like an ENDLESS CYCLE TO ME GOLD...YOU WON"T GET A PSA so all you have is more DRE exams and MORE BIOPSIES!!
HMMMM. Back to the BIOPSY thing GOLD. Where have we heard this before?

"Waiting" means being alert for any indication that the cancer has developed to the point that it may require surgery or other treatment.

Generally, watchful waiting is appropriate for men who
Have, a low Gleason score, and a low PSA level


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02/01/10 1:40 AM

#25304 RE: Gold Seeker #25301

So Gold, After your DRE test, what did the doctor say about your chances of having Breast, Lung, COLORECTAL, Pancreatic, liver, stomach, throat, brain, Anal, testicular, bladder cancers or Leukemia.

How about women? Does the DRE tell them about Breast, Lung, COLORECTAL, Pancreatic, liver, stomach, throat, brain, Anal, testicular cancers or Leukemia, ovarian, bladder cancers or Leukemia.

Let me guess..Your doctor sent you on your way after a brief exam (screening) and said GS your 65 year old prostate feels great. You are cancer free.

OOPS. He only gave you a half truth didn't he. And yet you paid him / her and went on your way assuming all is good.
You asked him to SCREEN you for prostate cancer and that is exactly what he did and yet he did not.

All that that doctor could tell you in good faith is that he violated your cavity and got paid for doing it.

GOOD CALL GS...???? AND you now have the nerve to talk about false positives and false negatives? WOWEEE