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01/31/10 5:46 PM

#22631 RE: Long2Retire #22630

Indeed... sort of confirms that old cliche...

"Those who can do... do...

and those who cannot... teach!"

(Although many who are very knowledgeable also LOVE to teach.)

which also dovetails with my theory that

"Those who are smart enough and driven to KNOW how something works... LEARN continuously to a much greater depth of understanding...

those who are less driven/challenged... go to school and complete a cirriculum to get a degree!"

Sometimes the degree then gets them a job... or they can always work at the pizza parlor.


from the link supplied about Jim Williams and his associate:

RW: So where'd you go to college?

BD: I went to MIT and never graduated. Went out and did business after being in MIT and I think I learned most of what I know on my own.

RW: Well Jim, how about you?

JW: I grew up in the Midwest in Detroit . I had three sisters. My father was a banker. My mother was a housewife. When I was five years old, my father brought home a shortwave radio. And that was, for me, a seminal event because for the life of me, I could not understand how all those voices could come from all those distant places out of that little box. I still can't. I don't know what gave my father the wisdom to let me take apart his new shortwave radio and it would make a good story to say that I got it back together but I didn't. It was a mess and it stayed a mess. But from that moment on, there was no question in my life what I was going to do with my time.

RW: So did you go to college then?

JW: I went to college for a year and a half, dropped out, ended up at MIT, got a teaching appointment, was there for ten years teaching and doing research on electronic circuits, particularly analog circuits applied to biomedical and biochemical systems. And I was a lifer. I was going to stay at MIT forever. But some people, Dobkin among them, convinced me to come out and try California for a year or so. And it's been a very long year since 1978.

RW: How could you teach at MIT if you weren't degreed?

JW: That's a long story but basically when I got there, I talked to numbers of people over an extended period of time, over six months. And finally one of them, a very well known physicist, got me an appointment.


Goes to show that IF you have MORE KNOWLEDGE than those already there... or can solve an unsolvable problem like John Bordynuik did... DOORS WILL OPEN for YOU, and you will get the recognition that your specific expertise deserves! Which is what happened for both Jim and John at MIT!


01/31/10 8:18 PM

#22644 RE: Long2Retire #22630

I like this line: 'design for minimum phone calls' z