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01/28/10 12:43 AM

#112550 RE: xclr8r #112547

XCLR8R, let me try to clear some things up for you here, seeing as how you backdoor responded to my statement.

Let's say I am the CEO of a publicly traded company that has created a drug superior to that of any in its class(competition). Now let's say, that because of circumstances beyond my control, (I) decide to release this drug in a dilluted version, thus only equaling the effectiveness of my competitors drug. I'm also going to put this drug on the market free of charge until I can get these issues straightened out. While my company may benefit in the long run by allowing a free trial version, the current revenues of my company from this drug are ZERO. Furthermore, there is some underlying doubt as to whether or not this drug can be realeased in its full potency because "these circumstances beyond my control" have set back its release before.(I) can't lawfully state, before it happens, that everything is going to be okay, although I'm confident it will.

Bottom line is: zero revenue from new product at "launch" and no PPS increase in the long run from it unless it's proven that we have a superior product that is able to be distributed and marketed in its full capacity/capability.

Buying at the bid is not what's causing the PPS to shrink, it's individuals thinking that maybe they have seen this song and dance before. All of this............IMO!
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01/28/10 6:07 AM

#112569 RE: xclr8r #112547

Oh no. No way do you digress. It's the same old , same old with the sheep you try to help. You have your's there and I have mine here and I can't help but feel the pain for X.
I do not think they are ready to let it go yet. I have not been keeping track of what they have in their stash because I have been busy with bigger fish to fry. Watching the open and how they handle it will give you a taste. If they start with a bunch of sells and follow it with a bunch of cheap buys that look like sells then they are doing as I suspect and trying to take it down yet again. Keeping interest in this stock is part of their business. They are setting up for Friday.
You do not control this stock or any other penny. The only thing I control is my sometimes uncontrolable mouth. For now we are at the mercy of "You know who". This too will pass.