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01/23/10 12:01 AM

#25071 RE: Gold Seeker #25069

Gold stated,"At that point, I did a ton of reading about universal markers totally ignoring anything that Moro states." I personally think this product will never have any commercial use and fail like other universal markers."

Yep Gold, I posted information about another"Universal Marker and you would not touch it with a 10 foot pole and yet it is bringing in Millions.

Gold, It doesn't seem that you respond to the tough questions Gold. I guess I will add this one to the Difficult pile also.

Better yet why don't we discuss the BRCA1, BRCA2 / Brac test some more and compare it to Recaf. we can clue people in on the vast market available in the cancer testing arena.

You know the test that is currently offered that is selling $326 million per quarter. The same $300 dollar test that is IMO worthless but everyone is apparently flocking to to see if they will ever get cancer in a lifetime.

Lets see. It has a 1.3 Billion dollar market per year. Hmmmm Why would that be?
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01/23/10 12:10 AM

#25073 RE: Gold Seeker #25069

Honestly, I don't buy it.

Posting five times a day on your idea of a dead-end stock board doesn't sound like my idea of fun.

The subject of a dead technology from 10 years ago is still interesting?

I don't buy it at all. It's ridiculous that someone would spend so much of their breath fogging up a computer screen, repeating themselves five times a day, to make the same cranky old point, to people they don't know, about a stock that they don't own, and haven't had interest in in years.

Seriously, I just can't believe that someone lives like that. While I realize that that sounds insulting, it's not as much personal as it is simply astounding to me to fathom. I really actually can't believe it. My bullsh*t detector is going wild, and rightfully so.

There are four or five avenues to revenue here. The company just got $6M in new funding less than four days ago. If the ship had sailed then so would you have. Buying in at 7 cents sounds like a good deal to me.

It's just that much more difficult to have a casual, mutually-enthusiastic conversation with other fresh and interesting investors when there's a persistent old relic trolling the boards and shaking his cane at everyone who comes by. You're not an investor, you're an eyesore who made up his mind a long time ago and retains no optimism.

Despite new moves and new opportunities and new investors and new times, you keep up with old thoughts, old ideas, old conclusions, and old habits that even you can't break. When will you find something new and interesting to do? A new idea to obsess about, maybe? Maybe something that you think will actually work to be interested in?

I don't know. Maybe never. I do it all the time. Look at my post history. It has more than one stock in it.
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01/23/10 8:29 AM

#25077 RE: Gold Seeker #25069

Universal markers were thought to have value in the 1980's and 1990's but their time has now passed. The medical community is wanting markers that detect fast growing cancers or the accurate genetic markers.

Hello everyone!

I have not been on this board for a very long time (left when GS was the only one here talking to himself - LOL) but recently added to my position in BOCX.... I see GoldSeeker is still around bashing (never give up, eh?)

Anyhow, in answer to your question GS, I think I have found a perfect application for universal cancer markers.

I don't know if any of you caught the 60 minutes broadcast couple years back about the Kanzius Machine

...and now the update from October 2009

Now in a nutshell, Kanzius realized that radio waves HEATED METAL PARTICLES at various frequencies (an extenstion of Raymond Rife's theory that all cells vibrate at different frequencies). His theory was that if a cancer cell were to be infiltrated with metal and exposed to radio waves, the cell would die by atopsis leaving heathy cells around it unharmed.

The problem of course was how to attach metal to cancer cells.... enter nanoprobe technology. Gold molecules could be attached to nanoprobes along with a receptor that would bind to cancer cells, the cancer cell allows the nanoprobe to enter...expose to radio waves and PRESTO! Dead cell.

Now so far the nanoprobe markers have only been outfitted with SPECIFIC receptor (such as for colon cancer...which btw in animal testing so far has 100% kill rate for the cancer cells)...the problem of course (and why the Kanzius machine cannot been touted a "cure") is that cancer cells metasticize and once they move from colon to brain, lung or whathaveyou, the SPECIFIC receptor becomes useless.

However, (Goldseeker pay attention)...if a UNIVERSAL MARKER (such as RECAF) were to be programed into the gold nanoprobes, it would automatically bind to EVERY CANCER CELL EVERYWHERE IN THE BODY destroying it with exposure to radio waves and in effect...A CURE!

Human Trials of the Kanzius machine are supposed to begin 2011....

Dr. Steven Curley and colleagues at the MD Anderson Cancer Center have begun testing Kanzius’ radio-wave technology on animals. Instead of copper sulfate, the researchers are using single-walled carbon nanotubes — molecular-scale tubes of graphitic carbon that, among other unique properties, are efficient conductors of heat. The nanoparticles are so small, thousands of them can fit inside a single cell. In a paper published in the December 2007 issue of the journal Cancer, the researchers demonstrated that, when exposed to a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) field, an aqueous suspension of carbon nanotubes injected in malignant liver cancer tumors in rabbits produced lethal thermal injury to cancer cells [2]. The controls, tumors exposed only to the RF field or only to the nanotubes, were undamaged. However, some healthy liver tissue surrounding the cancerous tissue sustained heat damage due to nanotube leakage from the tumor.

Thus far, the technique has only been used on solid, localized tumors in animals by injection. The next step is to evaluate methods for targeting the nanotubes so they attach to and are taken up by cancer cells and not normal cells. According to Curley, the targeting of nanotubes to cancer cells and not to normal cells is a major challenge in advancing the therapy [3]. Researchers are looking to bind the nanotubes to antibodies, peptides or other agents that would target molecules expressed exclusively on cancer cells.

Gold nanoparticles have also been shown recently to enhance non-invasive RF thermal destruction of human gastrointestinal cancer cells in vitro [4].