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01/22/10 7:19 PM

#25060 RE: Gold Seeker #25058

Everyone is out of touch that is in disagreement with you. Now the entire audience at the ISOBM was out of touch with reality? No way did Dr Moro stand up and have the audacity to proclaim recaf as the miracle protein. That description was bestowed upon recaf by the chairman of the ISOBM, and he was, and has been quoted as such, because it is an endorsement. Isn't that the thing you have been harping about? What about Drs. Gold, Abelev, Sell, Burger, and Walsh? I guess they were strong-armed, too.
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01/22/10 11:45 PM

#25070 RE: Gold Seeker #25058

Opportunity stated,"Gold, why did you fail to disclose that at the ISOBM the chairman of the international congress stood up in front of all of his peers and proclaimed recaf to be the "miracle protein." Those are not Dr Moro's words. He was not paid to say that. What higher endorsement would you like? How about Inverness ponying up a million after due diligence. Come on. Where's your moral compass. You deliberately poopoo these facts.

I would say that carries a little more weight than some obscure individual that likes to spend his time on a blog that has no value whatsoever. (Sounds familiar)

Gold stated,"I think that was a quote from Moro from the ISOBM held in Rhodes in 2005 not long after it was licensed by Abbott."

Gold also stated,"Gaboy, I am a one man reader and I have a great memory for facts."
oops Gold you missed that one in the department of " I have a great memory for facts."

Opportunity...You are correct and Gold is again incorrect!
Opportunity stated the FACT correctly,"No way did Dr Moro stand up and have the audacity to proclaim recaf as the miracle protein. That description was bestowed upon recaf by the chairman of the ISOBM, and he was, and has been quoted as such, because it is an endorsement."