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01/15/10 8:49 AM

#19977 RE: adman57 #19976

It seems to me that if we have been able to take JB at his word on everything else and he has delivered every single time then if he has stated that it works I just need to trust that. Logic would say that he couldn't (or shouldn't) make that claim unless the thing had been tested in all its large scale glory. There are things, however, that he wants to keep undisclosed for a little while until everything is ready to go. It sounds like Feb. is the month where this will happen.

Trust aside I sure would like to see pictures or video of the thing working. I'll just have to wait a month. I'm ok with that.
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01/15/10 8:50 AM

#19978 RE: adman57 #19976

just sent e-mail to james asking that question on prevalidation #'s and post validation #'s . I don't expect them to answer all questions but would like to get a response becasue of their prior assertion that Big P2O is a "done deal" E-mail sent this morning , copy below.

Hi James,

I have a few questipns as it pertains to big P2O processor:

1) Are production run rates and throughput #'s available pre validation and post validation?

2) Are trials completed on the Niagara unit?

3) Is unit available for visitation for plant investors?

4) Can you send engineering requirments for set up?

Thank you
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01/15/10 9:24 AM

#19982 RE: adman57 #19976

It's a production machine that many others use in it works.......but with a catalyst it works a lot faster......z
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01/15/10 9:32 AM

#19983 RE: adman57 #19976

Remember that this machine is currently the only one being used for validation. That means it's likely being built and dismantled over and over again in order to verify and document the process.

The objective of this is to ensure a foolproof procedure exists for building it, and also validate the safety and inputs/outputs of the processors, so that it may obtain any necessary city/state/federal certification required to operate.

Kinda reminds me of a guy called Henry. Ford was his last name I think... and he didn't ask people to drive around in his Model-T's to prove they worked before he was able to mass-produce them in a factory.

They sold like hotcakes I believe!

But I'm sure Henry was quite certain the car would work just fine before he mass-produced them and made his fortune.
