My Father-n-Law is a logo design specialist. I will enlist his help this weekend in designing a new logo for the EC.
Now we have been saying on this board for months. GO WEIL QUINN A&M WAMU WMI etc...
Now we need to start saying what JHD has been saying
If we put a nice GO EC! on the Badge, on Top of the W logo
How about something that would get the attention of everyone.
It will not only grab the attention of all in the courtroom including the press and THJMW. It will also be a sign of solidarity support behind the EC's efforts..
Like I said.. Logo work this weekend, I will keep the board updated. We can make it easy, because we can take this logo to any office supply store or print place and have tthem make up 4 inch buttons that can be handed out in the courtroom lobby. If you want to be a lobby, you need to actr like one.
You have to respect THJMW's court, her decision to most likely have called for the UST to form this commitee and respect her byu dressing in your best .. Tie, Slacks and Suit Jacket, cleanly shaven and groomed. Think of yourself as the Plaintiff's and dress how you would if you had to address the court i.e. Lawyer
I think we can design a good yellow background blue writing logo for this effort.
We have plenty of time!