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01/12/10 3:39 AM

#16066 RE: noquit #16065

Well, for me, it doesn't matter much, what you three might come up with, as far as the spin factor. At this point, there is a lot more to have confidence in than there hasn't been for a long time. I'm sure that there will be some issues to resolve, but I believe that the company is here to stay, that their heart is in the right place, that they are profitable, and we will see a lot of positive stuff happening this year. I'm here to stay, and noquit, you are an intelligent guy, and I know how it would suck to have to swallow your pride to get back into this. But if it goes any lower, you should throw a few hundred at this. That's not much to throw away, and you can see how this thing is starting to come together. They're giving money away without getting anything back. That's a good sign. One of us has to be wrong. Either this is a scam or it isn't. This has never smelled like a scam, as they never took advantage of their opportunity to dilute like crazy. That sure makes me think that they have plenty of their own money. They didn't have to do this dividend, that's why I think that it'll work out. They gave me up to twenty thousand dollars and maybe more, if it works out, yes if, that's all life ever is, one big if. But your rational side would admit, that "if" this is legit, it will be huge, and I can't afford not to be in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Get a piece noquit, I'd hate to see you go if it all works out, seriously. And don't wait until it starts moving. This could very well be a run away train, and no, not a train wreck. "If" they're doing a good job in China, there may be contracts in the billions, but you already know that. So in closing, you can't affect me, but don't be on the wrong side of this, because it's my belief that you're being used.
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02/07/10 8:33 AM

#16150 RE: noquit #16065

noquit... sorry, I haven't checked this forum in a bit and just noticed this post. Unfortunately Scottrade is having maintenance on their website right now, but as soon as they are done I'll let you know whether I got anything. I don't think I got anything in the mail.. and I don't remember seeing anything different Friady. But then again... Scottrade changed their Homepage layout, so I could have missed it.

And for the record... I don't like the new layout!
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02/08/10 9:36 AM

#16151 RE: noquit #16065

Ok, so I got a response from Scottrade. I asked why the stock did not show the ticker symbol on my account. It does show the shares and value (LOL) though.

Below is there answer:

Thank you for your e-mail.

Your account shows that you still own this stock, although the symbol is not there. This is a problem on our end where our system does not always display these types of stocks that are restricted and no longer trading.

A global lock has been placed on this security and it currently cannot be bought or sold and the transfer agent is not know. We do not show that it is currently merging or being bought by another firm at this time.

.... LOL... So the answer is no... I have NOT received the 'new' stocks.