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01/04/10 10:10 PM

#133106 RE: uzualsuzpect #133102

I did a quick review of two of the documents

The second posted appears to be an agreement where JPM takes over an insurance policy that covered mostly former WaMu employees who work for JPM now.

For the second one it seems WaMu is objecting to a claim from Expedia that they are owed money for services never requested. it looks like the claim was thrown out once by the courts and they are back again.


01/04/10 10:28 PM

#133110 RE: uzualsuzpect #133102

Looks like WMI liquidated debt (expedia) and sold off their exposure (insurance)to JPM. And the top link is for some $3400 in legal fees?

Looks like a good days work clearing the agenda to me :)

Go WaMu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!