Your theory has one flaw as I see it. That is that Watson cares about the SP and causing a run to make all of us money. Being in this for a very long time and seeing this happen time and again, I have come to the realization that he is not in this to make the stock run and make us wealthy like so many other pump and dump CEOs and has said so. Rather, he is in this to build a legitimate and fruitful company that in the end will make us all money. SP will follow company earnings and income. Company earnings and income is preceeded by building a company step by step. This is yet another one of those steps. Am I excited about the PR? Kind of because I was able to pick 1.5 mil up at .011. But to me this is not a run and done company. All these "BS" PRs that continue to come out add up to a legitimate company that is profitable and will be more so as time goes on. If this were a pump and dump, there is plenty that W could have pumped to cause a run like continuing to PR the corporate deal workings day after day as so many other pinks do when they find something that positively affects the SP. In the end, time will find us our goal of profit and this will come from the work W is putting in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. All IMO.