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01/02/10 10:04 AM

#9560 RE: Emily09 #9559

I'd be happy if half those PR's come out the month of January. I like your thinking though.
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01/02/10 11:58 AM

#9563 RE: Emily09 #9559

terror on airport airliners is back for sure:
al quaeda etc profit from economic crisis and budget cuts by airports, airliners, govts on security. no money available for big investment
IDTA has the perfect market ahead: cheap efficient products as money is SCARCE
the next 2 years at least will test the US/weak money-scarce obama administration and worldwide.

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01/02/10 2:33 PM

#9565 RE: Emily09 #9559

SIX million block that's out of the ordinary,

interesting thanks Emily! Notice they didn't buy in one 11 million share order so they are patient. Why you think it's institutional or fund I gather? Yep I'd concur or as I say moneybags with nothing better to do most likely johnnyvits he caught hell for burning it in the fireplace I understand :-)

Good sign IMHO and yes I think you covered the outlook pretty good there with anticipated PR's. My main concern now is the 100,000 ALERT detectors and whether he discloses enough info, names accurate sales data and impact on Identa's bottom line (revenue speaking).

By saying he is likely able to disclose info on the contract he raised every one's hopes about a hundred miles straight up. For everyone's sake I sure he hope he delivers...

Thank you Emily very helpful Happy New Year! ;-)