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12/24/09 3:21 PM

#29192 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #29190

Because for the next few weeks or at least a month the volume won't be low. When the non-authorized 20 billion share dump is over the volume on this stock will be nonexistent.

You seem to trust this guy,call him up next Monday and tell him you need a statement on the Dealer Advance letter head WITH his signature stating for a fact that ALL DLAD stock will become Cabal Communications stock in the next 30-60 days.

$1700.00 bet says you will NEVER get anything back from him in writing WITH his signature. If he would return your call the best you'll get is the run around BS about how longggg a stock name change takes and it might happen any day now blah,blah,blah.

You have 130M shares?? I only have 21M and am staring down at probably my first loss ever to this crook. All I need is this stock to be at .0002 and all I will lose is commission but I don't even see that happening now,next week or in all of 2010. Finally this stock just won't trade any longer.
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12/24/09 3:29 PM

#29193 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #29190 DLAD stock gets rolled into the fabulous Sports Page Weekly rag that's sold at 7-11 and probably nets a few thousand $$ per year once the bills are paid.

TWENTY BILLION SHARES in some ultra low grossing weekly magazine and you think this stock price will somehow go up the future?!?!?!?