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11/01/04 9:34 AM

#79002 RE: sandeeps #78885

<To say that they have been lying to us is silly. No sane person would decide to invade a country after beating the drums for many months that there were WMDs while knowing that there weren't. If you believe that, you are essentially a Bush hater or a stupid person>

Maybe both (g). Another option: people who ordered invasion are not sane :(

<any sane person including Hans Blix thought that Saddam had WMDs>

Many sane people thought from the very beginning that there are no WMD.

Talking about incompetence - I only meanth the decision to start the war. I am not talking about current situation in Iraq. Although I certainly am not an expert and did not look carefully at the evidence for the existence of WMD, but from what I read, it seems that intelligence data were controversial (doesn't it make sense?). But administration did not say "maybe". As far as I remember, we were told "there are no doubts" etc.

If it was not a lie, then it was a costly mistake. More than a thousand Americans, 100 thousand (?) Iraqis, hundreds of billions.