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10/31/04 7:30 PM

#10910 RE: PegnVA #10909

My own Governor has gone off the deep end & joined the moonbats......

PA Gov. Ed Rendell suffers psychotic delusions on Fox News


This is a perfect example of the foolish argument that was the subject of my post yesterday entitled "An argument with which I have no patience, from fools I will not suffer gladly: 'We're making more terrorists!'" — except it's worse, because it takes the argument one step further to assert that it's specifically George W. Bush who's responsible for terrorism:

A new videotape message from terror mastermind Osama bin Laden was meant to help President Bush win re-election, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said Sunday.

"It's obvious to me that bin Laden is trying to help George Bush, because George Bush is the best recruiter that al-Qaida has," Rendell told "Fox News Sunday."

"George Bush is so disliked in the Arab world that we're creating terrorists every single day — more terrorists than we can even come close to killing," the Democrat said.

"More terrorists than we can even come close to killing"? The last I heard, despite Sen. Kerry's vote against the $87 billion appropriation, our troops haven't run short of ammunition.

Governor Rendell, your worldview may be divided into two portions — pro-Bush and anti-Bush — but that ain't what's motivating the radical Islamic extremists. They're genuinely omnipartisan in their hatred of all things American.

Fox News host Chris Wallace should have whipped out a Nerf bat and whacked Gov. Rendell in the ear. But of course, he couldn't do that. Mr. Wallace had to pretend that Gov. Rendell isn't a barking-mad moonbat; Mr. Wallace's job requires him to suffer fools graciously, if not gladly. Gov. Rendell, after all, is a respected leader of the Democratic Party and a key advisor to its presidential nominee.

Can anyone imagine a prominent Republican governor and Dewey adviser saying on Halloween 1944, with utter seriousness, "Franklin Roosevelt is the best recruiter that the Nazis have"? I can't. That would have been political suicide; such a hypothetical governor in 1944 would have been run out of office within hours, his political career ended.

But I'm delighted to see from Google News that Gov. Rendell's statement, as quoted above by AP, is being picked up and widely republished in Pennsylvania's newspaper and TV station websites. American voters — in Pennsylvania and elsewhere — aren't obliged to suffer fools gladly, or at all.
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10/31/04 8:01 PM

#10915 RE: PegnVA #10909

PegnNJ... which is it? you can't
read or can't comprehend? Man Bush is right, we really need to beef up education. I recomend starting in New Jersey.