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12/10/09 9:47 AM

#189887 RE: RUBY1100 #189885


once again you are asking us to read between the lines.

now, how do you feel about spp's post again?
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12/10/09 11:33 AM

#189903 RE: RUBY1100 #189885

maybe the reason we are trading at .58 instead of over a buck with 5 wells drilled? not sure, just saying.
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12/10/09 12:51 PM

#189916 RE: RUBY1100 #189885

Ruby, I agree completely. I am not in the oil business but I can understand the huge difference between the cost of producing natural gas on land versus cost of deepwater. On land you get it to the surface clean it up and compress it enough to send it through pipelines all over the country to the points of consumption. In deepwater production you bring it to the surface, compress it to high pressures and super cool it to reduce some of the compression required. It would be stored in super expensive tanks on the transport ships as they travel to points of need to be re-gasified and distributed by pipeline. If you take 600 cubic feet of gas and compress it into one cubic foot of space it would then be liquid. Each cubic foot of gas contains, on average, 1000 BTU of energy. An average home might have a furnace that would consume 120,000 BTUs per hour or 120 cubic feet per hour. So that one cubic foot of very expensive liquid gas would heat a medium size home for six hours if the furnace is running constantly or 12 hours if it is running half the time and so on. I do not believe that all we are finding is natural gas. There should be a huge cost of storage and transportation difference between natural gas and condensate because condensate liquifies at atmospheric pressure. I do not believe that this drilling program would be continuing at approximately one million per day if all they are finding is natural gas. No disrespect for spp but I place more value on my network of investors and contacts regarding this investment. Surely we will know soon where this road takes us. All IMHO and GLTA
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12/10/09 9:11 PM

#189992 RE: RUBY1100 #189885

spp has shown over and over again that he does not understand the worldwide economics of an all gas field in deep water offshore W. Africa. I don't think anything anyone says at this point will make him understand. They are still flaring millions of Mcf of gas all over w. Africa all of which is far more accessible than anything in the JDZ. The only real gas production in the area is assoicated with oil or condensate and it will stay that way for several more decades. You better hope we have condensate and/or oil along with the gas or the JDZ will not be produced in our lifetime. I'm confident we do and that the JDZ will be very similar to Akpo with oil, gas and condensate.