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12/09/09 1:11 PM

#184913 RE: GreenWavx #184912

As the owner of one, it's not really much of a dillema.

There is no ESSENTIAL need for INDIVIDUALS to turn on the stuff at this point. The process is not very complex beyond the fear of screwing up when you go into BIOS to turn the TPM on.

I found the support staff at Wave very helpful. They are fully capable of taking over and working with you to fix things.

The thing that many here refuse to get is that the system is NOT built for individuals so you only accomplish two things right now by having an individual turn it on. You get the fingerprint reader working so nobody else can boot your system without your fingerprint (and/or password), and Nobody can just take out your SED and boot it on another machine.

The system is MEANT for use by Companies not end users. I bought mine because of my investment and personal interest in understanding the system. I will be very happy if OpenID makes the password problem go away, but right now the vault is not really connected at the other end. So my suggestion is help them turn on the TPM -- set up the fingerprint reader and relax knowing that only you can read your hard drive -- which makes it a LOT harder to hack and infect. Also the fingerprint reader can keep five fingers for four people.