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12/05/09 11:28 PM

#38195 RE: Bizman #38194


i dont know what it means , ive had a gtc order in for well over a month now at 0002 that has gone unfilled. Ameritrade sent me an email concerning my trade but when i looked they cancelled it and it wasnt filled, i then proceeded to place another order thinking it expired, which after checking it had til april to expire, it gave me the statement that they are not taking orders on the security. I know one thing for sure , someones been getting shares at 0002 heavy for a long time now and they usually dont put a no buy restriction in place unless something good is going to happen and they are short or something very bad is about to happen and dont say r/s because they would still let you buy even if it was about to r/s. Wish i knew what was up but i dont. Thats more than what the pres would give ya