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12/02/09 2:19 PM

#94145 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

why do I keep getting sent to this forum when I resond to a comment in washington mutual forum? I am not showing on their ban list and I have not done anything improper that I am aware of.


12/07/09 2:07 PM

#94192 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Fellow admins and other ne'er-do-wells:

It has been brought to my attention that one Ihub member has made pejorative references to me in nearly 600 posts this year alone:

Now, don't get me wrong. Satanophobia is one of my favorite irrational fears, but 600 posts seems just a tad excessive. Perhaps one of you could suggest that he take up origami or join the Mod Squad.

I don't want him to burn himself out.

Santa Barbara Broker

12/29/09 3:51 PM

#94438 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141're RUTHLESS! Happy New Year anyway, lol...

Bull Trader

01/12/10 9:41 AM

#94612 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

today is meatloaf and apple pie day!


01/21/10 2:56 PM

#94746 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

well..ok read...cant say anything though wasnt for me... mentoring my brother.


02/01/10 7:36 PM

#94887 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Please remove me totally from IHUB. I have better things to do with my time.


02/06/10 5:18 PM

#94946 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Post Unavailable

Additional Information


02/22/10 12:21 PM

#95166 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

That is not entirely true-You people allow religious fanatics and all sorts of garbage, but dare say call someone who deserves it an idiot and the rules are broken-There should be no rules as you don't know how to enforce them properly


03/22/10 4:22 PM

#95524 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

i for the first time ever signed up for the 12.95 per month premium msg. i immediately get in jail!? why? i thought i was using the private msg. incredulous! i'm cancelling imediately for a full refund if this isnt resolved. mr Smith


03/23/10 10:57 AM

#95539 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

who can see my private msgs? i cant seem to get this question answered.


05/04/10 2:19 PM

#95993 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I am sorry for my transgressions. My loss of ability to post is frustrating and once it is returned you will see that I am sincere about following the rules.

Any chance reducing my sentence to probation?


05/07/10 6:34 PM

#96040 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

IHUB can't say they only put BAD people in JAIL. I can list plenty of posts that are OFF-TOPIC, bashing, personal attacks, link posting that is not related, as well as spam. That is only a few violations that I read. It seems SOME can post without being held accountable while others are put in the slammer. This post will probably be deleted because this FORUM IS BIASED, PERIOD. Whatever....................


05/19/10 9:55 AM

#96215 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

When they are repeatedly brought to our attention, then we try to help them see how they can participate on this site within the rules. When they still choose not to then sanctions occur.


Once one of the admins told me not to copy and paste news on several boards. That´s all. Feel a bid criminal now lol
I accept your rules, this site wouldn´t work without. But I don´t see the relation, I don´t post this way without being provoked...


05/19/10 12:38 PM

#96220 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I wasn't given thirty day, I was given over 900 hundred days to decide.


06/08/10 8:14 AM

#96498 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Anybody here..or its just me talking to myself


06/08/10 8:15 AM

#96499 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

hi there,,guys


07/11/10 7:35 PM

#96882 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

to h admin shelly.
i filed multiple complains with copies of messages that are for you to inspect of 2 moderators in i hubs (uwrl) board for using
each of them over 4 violations in 30 days using in occasion the word (idiot),using spam and off topics, i strongly recommend that they be included in this jailhouse immediatly otherwise i would constitute this matter as strong pregidism.

Roy London

07/12/10 8:34 AM

#96894 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

What did i do anyway?


08/10/10 3:36 PM

#97320 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Please let me out I understand the rules now


08/19/10 2:59 AM

#97444 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

The rules are so strict that they are technically violated by a majority percentage of users. The difference between the people in JAIL and the people who are free is for the most part not in conduct. Yes there are some that are just spammers and flamers and people who post nonstop off topic or are vulgar, However.. I would submit that more frequently the admins use the strictness of the TOS to eliminate users in opposition to their position on a stock. Most people respond here and there with an off topic comment to their fellow boardmembers. For one it's nice to say Thank you, or crack a joke, or respond to a story told by an old man about his family. Well it's quite easy for an unscrupulous board admin to delete these and then report a pattern of off topic posts to one of you site admins. If you don't think there are unscrupulous board admins you aren't keeping up. They don't use vulgarity or do anything obvious that would put them at odds with the site admins, they just cleverly manipulate your strict rules to maintain the tone they want for a particular stock. Get as preachy as you want about personal responsibility. In real life I work full time with disadvantaged adults. I've never had a speeding ticket. I don't drink. I haven't had sex before marriage. I paid my own way through college. I am the head of my neighborhood watch. I don't make excuses. I broke the rules of this site. It doesn't change the fact that the rules and the way users are reported is flawed and needs improvement. Thanks.


10/07/10 1:13 PM

#98040 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly answer this question why are you personally allowing Jackoman and liable to spew all the unsubstantiated, inexplicable lies on the AVTI board??? WHY?? this guys have a personal vendetta against michael gelmon..but AVTIs CEO is Cory Gelmon his brother..has nothing to do with Michael Gelmon..Michael gelmon is in no way linked to AVTI ??? does that not constitute a TAU violation???


10/09/10 12:25 AM

#98053 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Almost like trying to kick a bad habit.

Noteworthy is GNBT

100K traded in AH after the news.

Announcement could be huge or killer for pps

Market reaction seemed to favor a bullish side trading as high as .56

But closing .51 AH

CBAI Waiting

10/13/10 4:42 AM

#98072 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I dont understand I am in Jail for posting 5 posts with no rule breaker and with no warning until Oct 17th look at my posts on 10/12/2010

Even if prior Oct 11th I was thrown here a day after of posting Legitimate posts without breaking the rules...


10/25/10 3:21 PM

#98134 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

So you are saying spinning and lies is civil manner. I wanna know what was the reason for Jail.


11/13/10 4:17 PM

#98323 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly can you explain to me why I'm in Ihub jail please?

What did I do to merit being placed in Ihub jail for a month?

I've seen so much worse behavior if I'm being accused of anything.


11/21/10 4:42 AM

#98456 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Okay, doing my time!

J Bling

12/13/10 7:29 PM

#98766 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hello Admins,

May I please be removed from the jail house. I have reviewed my deleted posts and realise I was wrong; regardless of my opinion of the situations I was involved in.

I sent those multiple PMs after I got banned on SAEI board, not before that. I also didn't have any idea that sending the same PM to multiple ppl would be an issue. It wasn't spam, it was on topic for SAEI longs. Anyway, I know it now so pls let me post again. Thnx.

J Bling


12/30/10 2:27 PM

#99031 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hello, I don't understand why I can't post in the boards? If you follow my messages I am a polite person who tries to share info with other ihubbers.

Pls, could you review that and allow me to write again? I also have pay for real time in your website.



02/05/11 12:10 PM

#99270 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Why am I in jail???


02/17/11 1:18 AM

#99391 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

To Whom It May Concern...
Full access is a privilege of monumental proportions, like the vast water rushing down the side of a wild mountain... And should not be taken lightly, for it is also wild and intising .. We know this, that is why we have gathered here in harmony to get back our access.. I'm a changed man


07/19/11 11:08 AM

#100942 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

recently became aware that my enhanced access has been disabled/suspended til 2014, and has been for some time now. Is there anyway I can move this along?


07/31/11 11:00 PM

#101066 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I have no idea about what you have written, what your credentilas are or what you know - but it appears to be flippant at best. I, alomg with many others have been damaged in various ways. some more that others, by this jerk that calims to be a ceo. if you dojnl;t like my comments, I will find another way to get my mesg out. you, on the other hand, shld be thinking about what you write to people before you send it. i could care less if you remove me from this board, which doesn't do anything to get that stock trading anyway. I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish and frank;ly =- I couldn;t care less. GOOD LUCK. you will need it.


08/24/11 9:17 AM

#101353 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Community? LOL, you call this a community? A place where people aer allowed to trash others if they are on the "inside" and say whatever they want and then people like you who are power trippers get off on zinging what you read from them? You are a trip girl!


09/01/11 11:54 AM

#101423 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Suspended Until 05/27/2014 11:42:19 AM

Why did i get extended from being released on 9/5/11 ?

Please do let me know.

I have been a paying member since 2006 and this is how i get treated?

I just cancelled my membership because i don't think there is a reason to pay till 2014 if i can't use my account. Please inform. Thank you.


10/11/11 5:41 PM

#101825 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Wiki what a great idea.
One place to find all the research at one link with great researchers adding to each others work.
Darn I wish I had thought of that idea. lmao.


01/23/12 11:19 AM

#102477 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I am ready to be a active member on I hub . I understand what needs to be addressed and I will comply with the rules from here on out otherwise my account can be suspended indefinitely.


04/18/12 10:40 AM

#103232 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I am sorry I was sending spam on KMAG. How do i get out of jail?


05/08/12 8:17 AM

#103373 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly, you have a chink in your system. Those bringing posts to your attention should be the ones your worried about. I will get my other lap top with a new email and be back by this afternoon. Then again, no i won't. Thanks for doing what I should have done a while back and drop this site. All the info I need to invest can be found elsewhere. Ciao.

The Bull Investment Group

08/14/12 1:48 AM

#104196 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

sorry damn im back in solitary :(


10/20/12 9:14 AM

#104935 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I do not see how long i will be suspended on my profile. It just says you are suspended... Do you know how long it will be? Thanks in advance!

Right Turn

11/01/12 12:51 PM

#105074 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I have reached out and said my piece. What's up ? Deal ? Today is the last day my offer is on the table. TRUST ME


11/10/12 8:15 PM

#105134 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hola shelly im sorry theres a big boot when inlog into i got a premium messaging account,im desperate ingot important stuff besides i got responsabilities with my fellow investors to communicate with each other,please when inwill be able yo log in besides i only have l2 on ihub so im now blind


11/14/12 7:58 PM

#105182 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hi shelly im banned i can get in l2 paid service from my computer


11/14/12 8:19 PM

#105183 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I do not know whats wrong with level 2 i cant get in could you work it out an also please send me a private message with my password and email or alias

Theres something wrong for sure



11/30/12 2:07 PM

#105351 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

He disclosed it first at that point the cat was out of the bag.

I can only post 3 posts a day and this is number 3.


03/06/13 10:18 AM

#106101 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hey, I tried messaging Dan telling him I won't talk about other people's mothers, when can I get out of jail?


04/01/13 1:45 AM

#106358 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

ok, i am in jail becuase i was calling someone a paid pumper (even tho they surely are) but i will not do it again. i value my posting abilities on this site and request they be restored asap. no more name calling, please restore my acct access now. happy easter.


08/13/13 9:58 AM

#107439 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Ok my first post here as I've managed, rightfully so I might add, to garner 30 days in the hole for the fruits of my sins. I've taken a week to settle my physiology and internal state and come to the table with a right mind. I sent some nasty PM's that would make the Devil's hair curl. So what I should've done is not send the PM's in the first place and prior just put those irritants/dissidents I dislike so much on ignore. And that is what I am going to do from here on out. I'm sure this group is a rather nice gathering of individuals but to be honest, I much rather be able to post related to company's I appreciate. In essence, I should not have taken my eye off that ball.

Please let me know if there would be any further acts of contrition or penance that I might be able to undertake to let me out of The Jailhouse earlier on good behavior, so to speak?



08/14/13 12:38 PM

#107459 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Just wondering if there is any way to get let out early??? .....I certainly own that I deserve the 30 days but was hoping to cop a deal?? I'll understand if not....but I thought I would ask and see what the likelihood would be.


AliEn BRaInZ stox

09/02/13 1:28 PM

#107563 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Agreed ~ Bravo

There are over 30k posts on this site each day posted by thousands of Users. And, guess what? I see a tiny fraction of those posts and come across an even smaller percentage of Users. You know what that tells me? For the most part, the vast majority of people choose to conduct themselves in a civil manner.

Very well said ~


12/13/13 6:23 PM

#108328 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Its not about liking the rules. Its about the administrator double standards


12/16/13 9:00 AM

#108355 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141



12/18/13 12:07 AM

#108385 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141



01/17/14 8:56 AM

#108959 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

hello im in the jailhouse and was wondering how long? I must of spammed a message one to many times not exactly sure. well any reply about getting out would be appreciated.
thanks JB


01/18/14 1:13 PM

#108971 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly, could you please explain why i'm in this jailhouse?
i guess my last post was "LOL" on a funny comment some user made
imo i dident post a personal attack or something like that


03/29/14 5:02 PM

#109673 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Why am I here? I did nothing wrong


03/31/14 10:59 AM

#109688 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Has anyone ever told you how pretty you type?


04/12/14 12:54 AM

#109862 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Why am I here?


08/13/14 5:59 PM

#111104 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Hi there. I was waiting and waiting for months to get good news from the CEO of a company I invested a lot of money in. CEO had promised us all no reverse split, he even emailed members and told them just that. So I invested more. He then issued a reverse split shortly after and I posted a reply saying I hope he dies before the rs. Sorry it was wrong how can I get my account back to post on the regular boards?


10/09/14 7:22 PM

#111559 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly pretty please reinstate me to use ihub and post I am sorry I mistakenly did double post please. Dan asked me to ask u!


10/16/14 3:43 AM

#111598 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Admin what is the reason for my lock up this time ?!?!?!? :/


11/29/14 10:09 AM

#112074 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I like the rules, let me back in!


12/15/14 11:50 AM

#112196 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

hello, can you guys please get me out of the jailhouse? I am sorry for making multiple accounts, and I only did so because I didn't like my screenname and was not able to change it. thanks


01/07/15 11:24 PM

#112376 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

IH Admin Shelly,Your post is rude, very rude!

You should be nicer to people.

What's your goal here,
to eliminate an Ihuber or to educate them ?

You might be the number one, Ihub might be the number one.....
But you should know that : Rome was the number one... and then ....


Pitt Bully

04/30/15 5:39 PM

#113132 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I am on suspension for mentioning the name of a poster in a post. I will not do this again or violate other TOS. I now request reinstatement


07/02/15 2:09 PM

#113604 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Checking in

What time is chow?


09/21/15 5:48 PM

#114290 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

How many days do i have left in the jail house ?


10/08/15 9:29 PM

#114516 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Well said, IH Admin (Shelly)... Well said!



12/07/15 7:18 PM

#114905 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I need all services free or paid to be stripped from my account


08/26/16 8:48 AM

#116237 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Is this role of moderators? 236T568 Member Level Thursday, 08/25/16 01:44:41 PM
Re: None
Post # of 50102
Ouch! $0.7002 and dropping!


02/20/17 8:57 AM

#117116 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I dont know how can somebody send me to jail if I make realistic post and not pumping and make it last for a month.I understand that board being blocked but all others I dont.Please reconsider lowering my jail santence.Thanks


02/28/17 6:31 AM

#117172 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

how can you reduce my sentence,please


03/31/17 12:32 PM

#117359 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

It's a nice game u have going on here lol


03/31/17 1:10 PM

#117361 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Shelly, could you post the rules that apply to moderators? do any specific rules exists.

A simple google search will reveal that hub has issues with moderators that manipulate boards in there favor. I think most people that frequent the boards see this problem.

I have asked several times - but admin will not address this.

Would a judge be allowed to rule on a case of the PEOPLE vs. ATT - when that judge benefits from the ATT stock price to go up or down? In any other arena we call this a conflict of interest. A recusal, like you hear about in the news/government.

After all you do charge people to use the services here.


05/14/17 2:28 PM

#117644 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Conduct? IHUB promotes continued bashing of stocks with foul Language. Stocks others have invested $ in, but when you try to respond it's off topic, most of the moderators using continued bashing with swear words don't even hold any shares most of the time.


09/11/17 12:37 PM

#118126 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

When they are repeatedly brought to our attention, then we try to help them see how they can participate on this site within the rules. When they still choose not to then sanctions occur.

This is incorrect. You do not try to help users in my opinion.

Please answer my question Shelly or whoever is in charge. An answer to my question would be proof that you try to help us.

How does IHub justify suspending privileges and PAID SERVICES of members based on speculative guesses? This is illegal.

I either want my services back, my money back, OR YOU CAN ALSO give me an explanation of how you didn't take my services and money illegally or how it wasn't done in a speculative guessing manner. I would be willing to hear that explanation, rather than getting out of jail early with money back.

Still waiting for that answer. In my opinion, IHub is a corrupt company. An explanation to my question could prove me wrong, but unfortunately for IHub, there is no answer to this question - in my opinion - we shall see.

White Coal

01/17/18 7:14 PM

#118651 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Excellent post! And familiarly worded..

Hurling insults is child's play
Let's get on with winning..
We never get bored with winning!


06/07/18 3:36 PM

#119066 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

A very adroit post.

It's Ihub's sandbox and if you don't live the civility rules you can go elsewhere.

Pretty simple and straightforward.


11/27/18 10:49 AM

#119578 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

is matt still moderate this board?


12/27/18 11:00 AM

#119669 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

It’s clear you don’t enforce the tules fairly. Obviously certain posters are allowed to violate rules.


01/01/19 11:50 AM

#119710 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I've added the jailhouse to my favorites



08/15/19 11:37 AM

#120305 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Reached out via PM 24 hours ago and received one response. Reached out again with a follow up regarding why/what I am being accused of "advertising". Have yet to receive a response. I reviewed the removed posts in my account. All link back to my Twitter as many posts do on iHub. Can I please get a response as to what ToS I have broken?... I have read and even re-read the terms and cannot pinpoint the reasoning being the suspension due to "advertising".


02/24/20 10:47 AM

#120678 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Back in jail... where can I see my release date?


03/03/20 1:48 PM

#120688 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

When am I outta' this bish? Why am I in this bish?


03/09/20 12:31 PM

#120695 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

I was just in JAIL, got out on the 28th, posted maybe twice, and now I'm back in JAIL... What's up? Can't even see the release date...


03/22/21 7:35 PM

#121856 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

Actually kid, you guys are arbitrary as heck, and you always favor the Nazis and the brutes over the people who oppose them.

Why don't you just stand up and say what it is?

On a political board anyone can suggest that migrants should be machine gunned and hung on Trump's fence as a warning... No repercussions. Nothing.

Suggest it would be better if it happened to them? "Not civil". Banned.

Good God lady. You are what you are. Why lie about it?


12/18/23 12:13 PM

#123691 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

for some reason i can post on my iphone but not on my laptop

is there a way to fix this, thanks looks like jail was from many years ago


01/23/24 1:38 PM

#123738 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

This will be going forward. Can you please reinstate me. Thanks

Some Users have an epiphany and realize this is a website that has rules of conduct that need to be followed and decide they want to participate and abide by these rules.


06/21/24 1:06 PM

#123870 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #94141

President Trump is going to win and it will make our Fannie and Freddie investment go to the moon. Too bad you’re such a candy a$$ to allow the number one reason to be discussed on the FNMA board. Just know, you can’t stop the signal Shel. 😎