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11/30/09 6:03 PM

#50671 RE: hunt4cash #50670

very good posting about PYCT
soon we will have some great news. i think they will P/R a good one mostly about production, and some more stuff, get the pps up alittle and then do the name change and the divi and them back to back P/R's all while being promoted
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Dominion Melchizedek

12/01/09 8:45 AM

#50685 RE: hunt4cash #50670


#2 - not sure what all your gobbledy gook meant. My point was that issuing a note payable is no indication of the ability to pay off the note.

#3 - carbon credits are the biggest scam ever - there will be no carbon credit trading in the US - not even Democrats are that stupid to pass such a bill - especially now with the leaks of fake climate change data that hid cooling and used fake data in models.

#4 - how can one have constructive opinions on a scam. A scam is a scam. You really need to research MLON/PYCT and its ties to the Dominion of Melchizedek.

#5 - I want 2009 report to be fake? Unaudited financials (all this scam has ever put out) are dubious at best. Legitimate companies pay to have their financials audited by an independent auditor to prove to investors they are real. MLON/PYCT has never done this.

#6 - How did I find out? Actually it was one of the pumpers who dug that up months ago. Its located in California. The old one was in Hong Kong.

#7 - Little with PYCT has ever been verfiable - most of the little that has has been proven to be false or misleading.

PS - Try to cross-reference your opinions, then you might make a believer out the iHubbers that PYCT is a real company and not a scam! Based on the NO BID, .0001 price and anemic volume. You are the one who needs to prove PYCT is not a scam. Thats a tall order. Especially because 99% of the people here know its a scam - even though they may not want to admit it.

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12/03/09 8:42 AM

#50729 RE: hunt4cash #50670

FINANCIAL ProfileSecond Quarter, 2005 Symbol: TSX-V CES... ..... ing re-formulated; and growing attention fromthe media, Ecoprogress has scored with all fiveclassic marketing Ps—product, packaging,placement, pricing, and promotion.Reflecting this fact, the company’s stock charthas a pretty nice look to it. It’s a smooth look-ing rounded bottom chart formation withgood, primary support at the $C0.20 level.Resistance comes in around just below the 30-cent mark. A five-to-ten-cent gain should beeasy. A volume breakout above $C0.30 couldhave the stock up by as much as another 20cents.Longer term, the potential looks much greater.The fem-hy market alone is worth billionsannually, and distributors feel Flushawayscould quite easily surpass a five per cent marketshare. Any way you look at it, that kind of sce-nario will reward investors.Beyond fem-hy, Ecoprogress will foreseeablyenter other markets, notably adult inconti-nence, a growing segment that lacks any realcompetition characterized by existing brandrecognition and/or customer loyalty—so it’s apretty open field.

Consolidated Ecoprogress Technologies Inc.
350-789 W Pender St.Vancouver, BCV6C 1H2
IR contact: Tom Hands