just a tip, mingy. If you start down the Naked Short Conspiracy path with these folks; your letter/email/phone call will be summarily dismissed and you, the author, will be branded as heretic.
None of those people have anything to do with the 10-K in the slightest. You need to ask the company why they have not filed, they are solely responsible for it. If they do ever say anything, which I doubt, it will be that our lawyers told us not to file.
Sent: Sun, Nov 29, 2009 9:13 am Subject: Corruption in the SEC
To Whom it may concern,
We have a serious problem here, that needs to be addressed right away, before any type of legal action is taken against your body of government, the fact is that you are withholding information from the public, and not to protect them, but to hurt them, Spongetech Delivery Systems (SPNG) had filed their 10K-10Q, and their 15c-211 a while ago, and you are withholding against the company and against the public, to us this is an outright act of deceit, It is our right to be able to receive the information the company has provided for the public, and its shareholders, we have been living in a corrupt system far too long...and we are now reaping what we have sown, and seeing its affects on our nation, and its financial condition, and well being...The problem at hand goes even deeper, as you are not doing the job your position requires, you are not fulfilling your OATH to office.... you are actually doing the opposite, and your actions are protecting the criminals at the expense of the tax payers, and acts like this are at the core of out nations demise...I guarantee you that I dont need to go on and spell out what is going on as , you know all too well, the matter at hand, it is one of consequential proportions, and if not handled properly will reap more ramifications, shortly as many of the thousands of shareholders already know the truth, and we also will take upon ourselves..... your role and your righteous duty, since you have failed to bring forth, and inform the public, we will fill the gap and do what is necessary to obtain our goal.
We right now are requesting that the SEC/FINRA or any body of government withholding SPNG's filings and form 15c-211, that they realize that the public has found out and is not going to stand for further corruption in this matter....
Also if this wonderful country that we live in, if it is going to start changing for the good of the people, and the good for what is right, we need to stop letting the corruption that so easily entangles us, we need to stop, and do what is right!, so that we as a country can move forward to a much healthier place....
We say to you that we will not stand for it, and we will do what is necessary to reverse the injustice that has been committed here and now.
... and we are currently seeking legal advice on how to move forward to get our filings release to the public domain.
Sincerely, Multitude of Securities Shareholders
re: a certified copy of this letter will be forwarded with other information to our Chairperson, and other heads of government!
Just called and spoke to Alex @ FINRA OTC Compliance Unit at (240) 386-5100. He said NO form 15c-211 has been filed for SPNG!!! I asked him if it was possible that it could have been filed, but he didnt know about it, ghe said "NO" Whats next?
WTH is going on, so many people saying it has been filed, but Alex says NO way....
There is a Steve there I will try a different person later, as maybe Alex is on the "PAYROLL" wink-wink* ************************************
I called Steve he said that they Do NOT have any application from SPNG....there is something fishy going on here!!!
November 3, 2009 MS. Mary L. Schapiro Chairman Securities and exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C 20549-1090 Dear MS. Schapiro; I am writing regarding a criminal enterprise involved in illegal activity on the electronic OTC market. The reason for my writing is not to inform you of the criminal activities as much, but rather to offer a simple solution for how to deal with it. Such solution will accomplish more in 1 months time, than 10 years of SEC investigations and new laws on the matter. Perhaps you are familiar with a company called Spongetech Delevery Systems, SPNG ticker symbol. The company has been under siege from a criminal enterprise made up of some large hedge funds, corrupt Market Makers such as Knight Trading and UBS, and a network of paid rumor spreaders. The enterprise works together with the united goal of destroying companies for the sake of profit. In the case of Spongetech, the enterprise relies mainly on naked short selling in its attempt to destroy the company. There are dozens of reasons that point to there being a massive naked short position in this stock, everything from price action, behavior of the Market Makers, New York Post articles, REG SHO, and recent fillings regarding company ownership. Now, having watched the market makers the last 8 months, I have singled it down to two main culprits in the scheme, Knight Capital Group, and UBS. I would be happy to go into how the scheme works, but for the sake of time I want to get to my point. My concern isn’t the naked short position, but rather the SEC, and how it may react to a short squeeze. There is no doubt in my mind that, Knight Capital Group, being a part of the criminal enterprise and the one who illegally facilitates the naked shorting for the Hedge Funds, has short exposure itself. Shareholders are waiting on some fillings with the SEC, but after such, it is widely believed the company will prove the naked short issue. Such proof could induce a short squeeze, something Knight, being part of the criminal enterprise, may have some serious exposure to. I write, pleading with the SEC to not interfere shall any squeeze takes place. I value Spongetech now at $2.5 PPS, fair value. The company is currently trading 5 cents. If rumors of which have circulated that the naked shorts could be short over a billion shares, which is almost 2X outstanding shares and 10x tradable float, there is going to be some heavy losses for the criminal enterprise, we are talking prices much higher than $2.5 and billions of dollars. I would imagine, Knight Capital Group is going to be doing some intense lobbying with the SEC to halt the squeeze should it start to take place. To even give the thought consideration would have immense consequences. This would be a historic move on the part of the SEC, and essentially would be sending the message to other criminal enterprises involved in destroying companies, that if your going to naked short, make sure the position is so large, it could cause "systematic risk". The moral hazard would be quite great. If Knights involvement with the naked shorting hedge funds put it in a position where it to is heavily exposed on the short side, then so be it, let Knight fail. Does the CFTC or government get involved in commodity short squeezes? No. Knight surly will argue that market liquidity will be severally impaired, or "adversely affect liquidity" I think they like saying. Now perhaps this is true, but only for a short period of time. Where there is opportunity, other market markers will gladly take Knights high volume, highly profitable spot. Again, as Knight is purged for its illegal wrong doing, a new firm who was honest and not involved in such racket, is rewarded. Furthermore, if Knight, part of the criminal enterprise, is facilitating illegal naked shorting, who’s to say they aren’t also engaged in other illegal activities? Money laundering is a crime that has been quite popular with broker dealers, market makers, and the Mafia on the OTCBB. Going back to what I wrote in the opening, about this doing more good in perhaps a months span, than a decade of investigation and new laws being passed. By allowing the market to work, allowing the criminals to be squeezed, it will purge the greedy, the naked shorts and the corrupt market makers. A great transfer of wealth will take place between investors and the people looking to destroy companies. Thousands of startup companies have been attacked by these criminal enterprises, and no doubt aided in their failure. I would also like to add, that negotiating a deal with the naked shorting criminal enterprise, could potentially have devastating effects on the United States in regards to it being a leader in the capital markets. If the SEC can interfere in the market, and deem what price is to high, but will look the other way when naked shorts flood the market with phantom shares in an attempt to destroy a company, one might wonder, is being a US listed company really that big of an advantage? Should the SEC get involved, and broker a deal with criminals who’s business is based off destroying publicly traded companies, this could potentially frighten stock issuance on US exchanges in favor of other countries. With brokers these days giving investors access to global exchanges, one can just as easily invest on an exchange in Singapore as it could on the NYSE. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter, and ask that you give deep consideration to the wide reaching ramifications of saving criminals from their wrong doing. Not only would such a move create moral hazard for naked shorting and potentially pose a serious threat to this countries economic safety, but the public would be quite outraged that while the SEC is talking tough on naked shorting it goes and does just the opposite.
cc SEC Chairman Elizabeth M. Murphy SEC Commissioner Kathleen L. Casey SEC Luis A. Aguilar SEC Robert S. Khuzami SEC James Brigagliano FINRA Tom Gira, Executive Vice-Present FINRA Marc Menchel, Executive Vice-President and General Counsel Joseph M Demarest, Jr. Assistant Director FBI New York Douglas Shulman, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service To: adam.arkel@finra.org; aguilarl@sec.gov; aguilarlu@sec.gov; atkinsp@sec.gov; Atkinsp@sec.gov; beckerd@sec.gov; bob.errico@finra.org; bresnickyj@sec.gov; brigaglianoj@sec.gov; cainc@sec.gov; cameron.funkhouser@finra.org; CamposR@sec.gov; canellosG@sec.gov; cartwrightb@sec.gov; caseyk@sec.gov; chairmanoffice@sec.gov; CorporateSecretary@finra.org; coxc@sec.gov; dean_shahinian@banking.senate.gov; ehrmanc@sec.gov; Elizabeth.Muldoon@finra.org; enforcement@sec.gov; faragassog@sec.gov; friestads@sec.gov; gary.barrett@mail.house.gov; George.Friedman@finra.org; Grace.Vogel@finra.org; hansonr@sec.gov; heinej@sec.gov; homsenl@sec.gov; Howard.Schloss@finra.org; info@nasaa.org; info@pinksheets.com; jay.cummings@finra.org; john.gannon@finra.org; Jonathan_Graffeo@banking.senate.gov; khuzamir@sec.gov; kreitmanm@sec.gov; Lawranne.Stewart@mail.house.gov; Linda.Fienberg@finra.org; marcia.asquith@finra.org; Martin.Colburn@finra.org; Marty.Colburn@finra.org; mary.niemeier@finra.org; marc.menchel@finra.org; NazarethA@sec.gov; oig@sec.gov; paredest@sec.gov; pat.clem@finra.org; Patricia.Williams@finra.org; peter.kovar7@mail.house.gov; polisej@sec.gov; ricciardiw@sec.gov; Richard.Ketchum@finra.org; robertsonm@sec.gov; rs@nasaa.org; schapirom@sec.gov; schonfeldm@sec.gov; Scott.Carfello@finra.org; senator@shelby.senate.gov; Stephen@aol.com; Luparello@finra.org; Susan.Merrill@finra.org; thomsenl@sec.gov; Todd.Diganci@finra.org; Todd.Saltzman@finra.org; tom.selrnall@finra.org; waltere@sec.gov; welchn@sec.gov; Tom.Gira@finra.org ********************
If you want to see others who trust and believe the Company, its management Steven Moskowitz, Michael Metter, and our Faith that we are not being led down the wrong road, as the haters & bashers would claim... look at posting under Mingy,Stoxmagic,NO_BS_PLZ,Darklady,Alfie3155,Spongedigger,Spongeboy and many more... [/color]