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11/26/09 8:44 AM

#227419 RE: ChrisJP #227417

"and would exempt the first $100,000 worth of trades each year."

I know a lot of people here make that much and more, but certainly not me (maybe someday)... So a lot of small-time flippers won't even be affected. I was against the tax until I read that line.

Well I'm still against all income-based, unapportioned, direct taxes for several reasons, including the fact that the 'deficit' the taxes are allegedly going to pay, is artificially created by the 'loaning' of money from the Fed to the US Gov. and could be replaced completely with a better paradigm that simply does not include the arbitrary interest. I don't mind any other taxes, but income tax has to go. How would a farmer feel if every day some government bottom feeder entered his chicken barn and stole 35% of the eggs each morning before the farmer was able to feed his own family? Then the stolen eggs are given to a private cabal of people who don't even need them (private interests behind the fed.) Anyhow..
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11/26/09 9:18 AM

#227420 RE: ChrisJP #227417

Let me ask you a question what money do you think I trade with?

It is money that I WORKED for that has been taxed already. Right ?I mean you work or have worked right and you paid taxes on that money?

Now when I make a gain I pay tax on that. Don't I ?

Then money I have in the Bank that I earned by WORKING and the interest that I make on it (LOL the interest) I'm taxed on.

Now you want me to pay a tax everytime I buy or sell a stock or financial instrument whether I make money on it or not.

I'm a little guy I didn't cause any of the problems screwing this economy but you just want me to pay another tax ?

WFT guy get smart pay more taxes so the Gov't can piss it away you can't be that lame
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Bull Trader

11/26/09 10:45 AM

#227433 RE: ChrisJP #227417

Chris, the tax will just be passed onto guys like you from the broker so really its just a tax on the little guy.

i also disagree with your position and i'm sure one day when you make real money in the market your view will change. Till then i understand your bitterness.