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11/20/09 9:28 PM

#134698 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #134623

Thanks, Phil ... two things ..

1. your first link doesn't work for me .. 2nd one good and will learn from there

2. how do i use the Url blue button? .. lol, just noticed they are on the side now ..

Neat. These are really good .. haven't spent time yet on trying to figure how to use the blue Url button
.. lol, it's easier just now and i reckon probly more efficient .. chuckle .. to have a go at asking you.

Ok .. i get this .. with spaces inserted [ url][ /url][ tag]insert-text-here[/tag] ..

but so far no idea what to do with it .. ::))


12/01/09 10:51 PM

#134947 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #134623

Phil, just noticed that .. "LOL, .. here .. It is freakin hilarious!"

appears as " LOL, .. [url] "

in the board list .. the 2nd one at the moment .. edit, hmmm, 12/1/2009 9:32:05 PM

LOL, it detracts a minuscule smidgen from the great changes, but just thought
i'd mention it on the chance a tiny tweak might fix it, so better for readers.

i'll be careful in future not to embed in the first 8 words,
while hoping a fix might just take a little geek nudge.

just a thought, and apologies if it has been mentioned before.


12/09/09 3:26 AM

#135379 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #134623

Phil, one other little thing just noticed ..

In what i felt as a waste of time at the time, but was easy and took such little time
i did an Advance search of my posts as per below, then posted these embedded links ..

see 2006, 2007, 2008, and finally on a NOW "Federal Reserve" search of my posts,
GOOD OLD 2009! .. [...] .. don't think you need any more than i'm giving you here

INSERT FOR THIS POST .. Phil, maybe i should have known the Advanced Search links don't
give others the posts they show me .. maybe i should have known .. anyway .. chuckle .. see below ..

OH! UPDATE .. so sorry, i've just discovered, in checking links that my search for "federal reserve" in
each of those years, doesn't now show my posts. Oh well, learn something every day. [...]

UPDATE .. maybe this will work .. .. nope ..

This one? ..

YEAH! .. advanced search links don't work .. learned another thing today. WHEW! 1 minute
NOW, lemme see .. does the last search for the current year, not advanced,
search work when i embed it .. ran out of time to check on the other one ..

Yup, it worked embed, too. Ok, so advanced search links repeated don't show posts as current search
links do. Sorry to include the last link, but how else could i illustrate my point absolutely clearly.

ONE OTHER, Phil, et al .. some boards when you copy embedded links
they copy live and that's very convenient .. iHub doesn't .. YET ..

So that's 3 little wonders of mine which maybe could be considered.

Tweak? to how embeds as embeds in first 8 words of a board list .. tweak? to allow Advanced Search to give others my post list as 2009 search now does .. tweak! to create copy of post live links .. 3 tweak question .. the first in the one i am replying to ..

Thanks for anticipated consideration of my requests. whew 2 seconds.


12/09/09 3:51 AM

#135381 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #134623

Phil, the .. "the first in the one i am replying to", in my previous
reply to you, should have been .. the first in my other reply to you ..

You guys must be very busy, thanks, again for the enhancements so far.

They are great!