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ergo sum

10/22/04 8:30 AM

#76096 RE: wstera2 #76085

Got a link to that news story?

ergo sum

10/22/04 12:02 PM

#76157 RE: wstera2 #76085

Did you come up with any proof that the Kerry Lawyers were involved or is that just another typical right wing lie?

Here in Ohio this week, the public library in Elyria found itself in the middle of a huge controversy over Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. There were so many requests for the movie that the library decided to simply hold a mass screening for those who didn’t want to spend the $8 to see it in the theaters or get it at the Blockbuster.

Well, that didn’t sit so well with James Pengov, a George W. Bush supporter who went to court to stop the screening.

The library also planned to show Fahrenhype 9/11, a conservative counterargument to Moore’s movie. Neither has been shown, but a little town in Lorain County now knows exactly what it’s like the get caught in the grinding wheels of a nasty election campaign.