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11/13/09 11:00 AM

#120172 RE: sirdebo #120168

Funny how there's no mnention of Wamu. But i'm sure he's tired of hearing "to big to fail" it's all over the court precedings...LOL
Dimon, just go crawl under a rock...were coming to get you dimon, were coming!!!!
Judge MAry: Do the right thing, no need to take your ruling into next year! DO IT!
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11/13/09 11:21 AM

#120185 RE: sirdebo #120168

"JPMorgan Chase & Co Chief Executive Jamie Dimon called the idea that any bank is too big to fail "ethically bankrupt" and said regulators should have the power to wind down even the largest lenders."

Yeah, right. When he says this, does anyone really think he's talking about his own bank? What, like he's advocating the forced break-up of JPMC? No way he'd go for that. What he means is, "no other banks should, from this point forward, be allowed to become as big as my bank is."

This guy has chutzpah, that's for sure.
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11/13/09 11:22 AM

#120187 RE: sirdebo #120168

then why are they protecting jpm? rothschild thats why. jpm is the prostitute to that pimp boss. his name is all over the court docs and redacted how special! if you extract the money laundering from the madoff scandal, the bankrupting of a county in alabama in excess of 700mil dollars, the offshore money laundering thru banks in napa, the 17 bil frozen in leh to make them fail, and the seizure of a solvent bank and assets belonging to wmi that werent included but stolen to include the skyscaper, providian cc company, and fsb that was a wholly owned subsidiary of wmi not wmb, and the over leveraging of social security lock box money...dimon should be under the jail! too big to fail? jpm was DOA when they used wmi to prop them up. italy and france had frozen their accounts because they were stealing from them funneling money for madoff. but they didnt know what was going on? i dont think so. this was an attempted global consolidation by jpm and rothschild to steal the wealth out of our and other countries, destroy our communities, and bankrupt solvent entities for the greed of one powerful family. these bastards took down napoleon!!! look it up. but because weil helped wmi to set a better mouse trap this crime spree came to a grinding halt. the gig is up sheila, jaime, and geithner. pay up the interest is getting deep and compounding!!! go wmi!!!!