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11/09/09 7:51 PM

#283112 RE: janice shell #283110

call him alexander

cause rat lady will get mad if we call him dumas
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11/09/09 7:52 PM

#283114 RE: janice shell #283110

Nothing like BONIFIDE justice !

is there some sort of phsycological inhibitor that makes koolaiders unable to use these 2 words correctly.
Just once you would think one of them could get it right..
8 letters, 2 simple 4 letter words used often in the world in a legal and non-legal context and yet this phrase gets butchered in every possible way. Why is that

Bona fide

Main Entry: bo·na fide
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin, literally, in good faith

Date: 1632
1 : made in good faith without fraud or deceit <a bona fide offer to buy a farm>
2 : made with earnest intent : sincere
3 : neither specious nor counterfeit : genuine