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11/06/09 3:25 AM

#29059 RE: DigiTech #29058

re: "It Looks Like Rolling Stone Is Planning Another Goldman Sachs Hit-Piece "

To: maxncompany who wrote (19880) 11/5/2009 11:17:16 AM
From: SliderOnTheBlack 18 Recommendations Read Replies (2) of 19898

re: "It Looks Like Rolling Stone Is Planning Another Goldman Sachs Hit-Piece "

We don't need any more hit pieces.

We need RICO Act indictments for running a continuing criminal enterprise.

We need a special prosecutor, someone like Eliot Spitzer.

Yeah, I said it... Eliot Spitzer.

Not a political hack and a mock investigation.

I want someone with a chip on his shoulder and an axe to grind.

Everything is data based.

All the records are there from all those calls and meetings
between Blankfein and Paulson, Geithner, and all the former
Goldman staffers embedded in all the government agencies.

We just need someone with political control over the FBI
to decide to use them.

Gerald Celente spoke the inconvenient truth...

"If the names on Wall Street were named Celente, Caruso,
Mondavi, Puccinni, Butonni, Abatello, Puccio and Roselli,
they'd call it the Mafia. But because it's the 'White Shoe'
boys, and they give different names to Ponzi schemes, and
Pyramid scams, loan sharking and other dirty deals...
they call it 'Wall Street' and they call it auction rate
securities, high frequency trading, special investment vehicles,
and credit default swaps.

This is nothing more than criminal activity being cloaked
as finance. Flash trading? Come on, let's beat the gaming
table. It's a rigged casino, the little guy always loses..."

And if you don't think the House has rigged all the casino
games, read this form

"Absolute Perfection: Goldman only lost money on one trading day in Q3."

"Goldman lost money on just one trading day in Q3, making
money on all the other 64..."

Wake up America.

They've raided the US Treasury and bankrupted the nation.

The Chinese know it, the Russians know it, the Indians know it.

The entire world, except America, knows it.

They looted Social Security & Medicare, and now they
are rolling out an IMF imposed austerity and rationing
system in broad daylight, and calling it "Health Care
reform" and you morons are buying it.

Did you read the CBO numbers?

Did you listen to what former Comptroller General
David Walker said?

Quoting the Congressional Budget Office:

"TAX RATES would need to be raised by "sub­stantial" amounts to
finance projected spend­ing. Specifically, "the TAX rate for
the lowest bracket would have to be increased from 10 per­cent
to 25 percent; the TAX rate on incomes in the current 25 percent
bracket would have to be increased to 63 percent; and the TAX
rate of the highest bracket would have to be raised from 35
percent to 88 percent.

The top corporate income TAX rate would also increase from
35 percent to 88 percent."[4]

"Such TAX RATES would significantly reduce economic activity
and would create serious problems with TAX avoidance and tax
eva­sion. Revenues would probably fall signifi­cantly short of
the amount needed to finance the growth of spending;
therefore, TAX RATES at such levels would probably not be
economi­cally feasible."[5]


The CBO just admitted that it is "economically infeasible"
to raise income tax rates high enough to service our debt
and unfunded liabilities.

I want you to pause here for a moment.

Read that last paragraph from the CBO one more time.

And remember that those comments were BEFORE last September's
financial collapse and $23.7 trillion in new bailouts and
banker backstops.

What don't you understand about what the CBO said in that
last paragraph?

America is bankrupt, and there is no way to deliver upon
the promise of social security, medicare and medicaid.

And the CBO said that BEFORE the $23.7 trillion in new bailouts
and backstops, and the 22% collapse in Federal Tax revenues
and recent shortfalls in Social Security funding.

And it's not just the CBO...

Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker told the truth
over a year ago with his appearance on 60 Minutes.

David Walker quote on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid:

"These are massive entitlement programs we can no longer afford.

If we do deliver on the benefits, there will be no money
for national defense, homeland security, or education.

"The Medicare Problem is 5 times greater than the Social
Security Problem."

No money for the military-industrial complex and Homeland
Security - if we "try" to pay the benefits promised and paid
for by the American people.


They either default on "our" benefits, or they default on "theirs."

Which option do you think they've chosen?

What the hell do you think Cap & Trade is all about?

Read what the CBO said in plain and simple english people...

Taxes need to over double just to fund the government's
ongoing Homeland Security and Military Industrial complex

They know they can't raise income tax rates that high,
so they need a new taxing system, one that the sheeple
won't perceive as "taxes"... a system they can sell to
the majority, so they can loot the remaining wealth
from the minority.

..and yes, that means you - you aren't special.

Is America REALLY this damn dumb, this brain washed,
this indoctrinated with talking points from "their" team?

Sadly - yes, they are.

And that's going to be the game changer of our lifetime.

The window will soon close and the herd will be divided
between victims and survivors, and then the culling
will begin.

And gold will NOT be the simple solution many think it will.

It's game over.


This isn't a bailout, this is a cover up.

All they're doing is buying time and distance from the scene of the crime.

Can America really be this damn stupid?

This apathetic?

This deep in denial and in avoidance of reality?

These thieving bastards have bankrupted the nation and
destroyed the dollar.

They've outsourced your jobs and bankrupted your pension plans

They created the easy money, debt & credit housing bubble.

They got Congress and the SEC to remove all limits and
regulation while Greenspan gave them all the gasoline
they needed to ignite the FIRE economy.

They made billions on securitizing all the toxic mortgage
paper and then offloading it to Fannie & Freddie, pension
plans and insurance companies.

Then they went short the very paper they just sold to everyone...

And now these slithering parasites are buying up all the
foreclosures they created and profited from in the first place...

The hell with being politically correct, these are criminals
who own and control Congress, and all the regulatory
governmental agencies.

Quit calling them bankers and quit calling it high finance.

These are thieves who are running a crooked casino and who
have bribed and bought off all the gaming officials, casino
inspectors, and government officials.

Wall Street is a financial Mafia - period.

If Wall Street was run by Italians, Hollywood would be
cranking out the "Bankster Gangster" trilogy as we speak.

And if the government won't do something about it, maybe
we ought to do something about the government?

Maybe it's time for the political ruling class to be
removed. Maybe it's finally time to cleanse Washington
and send Barney Frank and Chris Dodd packing. And it's
not just the Democrats, it's the Republicans who filled
thier pockets with an average of $3.5 million of lobbyist
money per member of Congress in 2008 alone.

Believe Sen. Dick Durbin when he tells you the bankers
own and control Congress.

And if I was a Goldman executive, it's not the government,
or the Rolling Stone that I'd be worrying about,
it would be these people...

The people they screwed out of their jobs, their 401K's,
and their homes.

Because not only do these people know how to use the one
million new guns a month they've been buying... they also
know how to use google maps. And it's not like the Hampton's,
or Central Park West are the "Eagle's Nest."

You'd better get up off the counch America. It's time to put
down the remote control and turn of Sports Channel, and get
politically active.

Because this is your future America, if you don't...

Sharecropers upon the land your forefathers fought, bled,
and died for.

"Fannie Mae announces deed for lease program."


PS: If you think it's a coincidence that Fannie came out
with that program... read up on UN Agenda 21.

One of their major planks is no privately owned homes
by 2050.

And what Goldman & the Wall Street Mafia didn't steal,
Cap & Trade will.

tick, tock...
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11/06/09 10:09 AM

#29065 RE: DigiTech #29058

Sure Jon Stewart is the truth teller and Glenn Beck just makes stuff up right? Glenn Beck is one of the few pointing out the facts.

Elevate the discussion? Lets pretend all is normal. The boy-child is leading the world now and all is good as long as noone looks too closely and puts it all together. Along comes Glenn Beck who does just that. Puts the puzzle together. That is now a form of treason.
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12/02/09 11:13 PM

#29474 RE: DigiTech #29058

CTT a value based on future revenues