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11/05/09 8:22 PM

#195315 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304

I remember being at the shareholder meeting when this patent was discussed and how powerful it was. Additionally the other patents that deal with RFID, voice, location-based are even that more important.

Watch as things heat up and somebody says I have this really neat idea about providing a serive where you can just wave your phone in front of a physical place and get linked to a website based on the location and the bluetooth information passed. They will get a note in the mail from Mr Barkume. "Dear Sir...... NeoMedia applied for this patent in 2002 and was approved in 2006. Please contact NeuStar to arrange for licensing." :)


11/05/09 8:24 PM

#195316 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304

All it means is that you've been here too long. If you have been in a stock long enough to see a key patent expire, you have been in the same stock too long.

Be Confident

11/05/09 9:45 PM

#195335 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304


THIS may be the patent I was referring to when I posted a number of months ago that I seemed to recall Neom patenting around themselves in the '05 or '6 timeframe. At that time Street posted something which appeared to nullify that notion, however, your post may very well support it.

Regardless, however, it would appear that Neom's most recent patent filing (this year...for the actual clearinghouse itself) would serve to ensure a renewed 20 years of bliss.

Good post.



11/05/09 9:53 PM

#195340 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304

When S_R_M talks about the patents, all should pay close attention. :-) I do. YJ.


11/05/09 11:29 PM

#195356 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304

Hey S_R_M,

Thanks for the breakout of some of the other patents NeoMedia has in addition to the '048 patent that has been the focus of so much attention, such as the more recently issued '573 and '608 patents that are more relevent to the things NeoMedia is doing now. The included links are good for everyone to familiarize themselves with if they haven't already.

P.S. Hopefully I have received all your recent emails, I will double check to make sure I haven't missed some due to over-diligent spam filter at my provider.. I'll email you back on the most recent.


11/06/09 9:42 AM

#195403 RE: stock_raving_mad #195304

SRM: When you say it references the '048 patent, this means it is entirely novel over the '048 patent. There are a couple of important differences:

1. The '573 is restricted to a phone, '048 is not. This will make it more difficult to challenge the '573 on a novelty basis.
2. The '573 patent adds two steps to the '048 patent. First, it scans an index (same as the '048). Then it uses the phone to translate the index to URL. It sends the URL to a server which then send back a second URL. The phone then sends the second URL to retrieve the content.

The rest of patent addresses the deficiencies of camera phones to read 1D codes by adding external housing. This section of the patent is certainly be infringed today.

'573 does not extend the life of '048, but instead proposes an entirely new way of processing barcodes on a mobile phone. To implement the '573, NeoMedia will have to convince the industry to change from using the '048 processes. However, that task is many years in the future.