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Da Ghost

11/02/09 3:30 PM

#37791 RE: zeekhoe #37790

That would be cool!

Could you imagine what that wall would look like if DM indeed did an R/S? LOL!

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11/02/09 3:40 PM

#37794 RE: zeekhoe #37790

You know what Zeek,

I have been reading everyone's back and forth on this whole R/S issue and here is my take on it for what it's worth...

Whether or not they do a R/S is not the issue. What truly matters is if they are legitimately trying to make this company a profitable venture or not. I am involved in a stock IDOI, that I was long on for months and recently came to the conclusion that it was a scam designed only to make the officers and their investors money. In other words, they had no real product to sell, but used a potential product as a carrot to keep shareholders hanging around so they can continue to dilute and bleed the shareholders dry.

If you believe that their (EVFL's) product will become profitable and you have faith in the management at this point, then do not worry about a R/S. Profits from the sales of their gas and other royalties will be the true predictor of where the SP will go. Even if the SP completely tanked after a R/S, if they then release a PR with news of a hundred stations being opened up etc., you will see the SP jump for damn sure...JMHO.

