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02/25/10 2:35 AM

#93132 RE: F6 #85189

Girlfriends' Guide: Sarah Palin Is So Bitter!

Vicki Iovine [ ]
Posted: February 19, 2010 09:03 AM

Does Sarah wake up every day, reach for her specs, slip in her "Bumpit" and begin snorting around the media outlets like a truffle pig in search of the juicy fungus of persecution? It's like an itch that she scratches so often it has become a tic. Every slight is personal in the All About Me Universe of Alaska's Governor, Interrupted. Nothing is too random or private or just plain irrelevant for her to rush to Facebook with her righteous censure.

Just in case it wasn't clear from her book, Going Rogue, her skin is so thin that it's practically transparent. Nothing is her fault or worthy of private reflection. Let's face it folks, she and her family are pretty broad targets. If it's not her, it's her husband, her baby son or one of her daughters. None of us has a family above a dig here or a joke there, nor are we consistent examples of righteousness, but we are infinitely more relaxed about our imperfections. She wouldn't beg for a wedgie every time the class clown walked by if she weren't so delusional about her own perfection. Who can avoid, intentionally or not, taking a swipe at such a humorless and bitter prig? And who can fail to be bored blind (oh, God, I hope she doesn't take this as an attack on her own optical disability!)

I, for one, wonder why she chose to take on last Sunday's "Family Guy" as an attack on her little boy, Trig, who has Down's Syndrome. First of all, the character who was supposed to be representing Sarah's baby boy was a grown woman on a date. If Sarah weren't so myopic in her outrage, she might just as easily have taken the fact that the character described her parents as "the former governor of Alaska and an accountant" as a compliment.

What, Todd Palin, former "First Dude," prizewinning snowmobiler and North Slope oil pipeline manager, an accountant? Didn't Sarah recognize the erroneous inflation of her husband's education as a gift horse? No, because judging, condemning and calling for everyone's firing is much more suitable to her temperament.

In fact, it appears that she has a whole raft of people looking for statements, behavior or themes for her to identify and condemn. I'm willing to bet my DirecTV that she has never watched "Family Guy." Are you kidding? And miss "Desperate Housewives" and "Keeping Up With the Kardashians?" Not a chance!

On Facebook, she credited America's favorite baby mama, Bristol, with bringing the TV episode to her attention. God bless, Mother Sarah; in spite of feeling "kicked in the stomach" by the cartoon, she turned the repugnant experience into a teaching moment for her daughter: "Well, Bristol, how did it make YOU feel?"

Personally, I'd rather hear how Trig feels. At least he's justifiably uninformed (for his AGE, people--don't turn on me here!) and completely uninterested in seeking the worst in every "liberal" with name recognition.

Don't these Palins have real jobs? Or is that Sarah's job -- being humorless and vindictive for her Mad Hatter's Tea Party friends? As if the dormouse and the March Hare weren't enough to put a person off such gatherings. "Off with their heads!" she decries so consistently that she makes the Queen of Hearts look benevolent.

What if she actually were to become President? What an irritation it would be to have the Middle East, Haiti, global warming and a blighted economy distracting her from her meticulous search for the worst intentions in everybody. And who really cares about those big issues anyway? They're so complicated and so irrelevant to burnishing the image of our little Maverick.

Life is short, Sarah. It is delicious, shocking and flawed. It's your choice: Revel in it or bitch it to death. But if you insist on choosing the latter, please, keep it to yourself. Nothing personal.

Copyright © 2010, Inc. (emphasis in original) [with comments]


Sarah Palin: Fox Hollywood – What a Disappointment

Sarah Palin's Notes
Monday, February 15, 2010 at 9:41pm

People are asking me to comment on yesterday’s Fox show that felt like another kick in the gut. Bristol was one who asked what I thought of the show that mocked her baby brother, Trig (and/or others with special needs), in an episode yesterday. Instead of answering, I asked her what she thought. Here is her conscientious reply, which is a much more restrained and gracious statement than I want to make about an issue that begs the question, “when is enough, enough?”:

“When you’re the son or daughter of a public figure, you have to develop thick skin. My siblings and I all have that, but insults directed at our youngest brother hurt too much for us to remain silent. People with special needs face challenges that many of us will never confront, and yet they are some of the kindest and most loving people you’ll ever meet. Their lives are difficult enough as it is, so why would anyone want to make their lives more difficult by mocking them? As a culture, shouldn’t we be more compassionate to innocent people – especially those who are less fortunate? Shouldn’t we be willing to say that some things just are not funny? Are there any limits to what some people will do or say in regards to my little brother or others in the special needs community? If the writers of a particularly pathetic cartoon show thought they were being clever in mocking my brother and my family yesterday, they failed. All they proved is that they’re heartless jerks. - Bristol Palin”

- Sarah Palin

Facebook © 2010 [with (5) comments]


the scene from “Family Guy” that Little Taliban Sarah addressed in her Facebook post above embedded at:

Palin Family Says ‘Family Guy’ Writers Are ‘Heartless Jerks’
February 16, 2010, 1:35 pm [with comments]


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05/28/10 6:49 AM

#99396 RE: F6 #85189

Tea Party Poems

The found poetry of Sarah Palin.

By Hart Seely
Posted Tuesday, May 25, 2010, at 6:07 PM ET

Every time Sarah Palin speaks publicly—on Fox News, at Tea Party rallies, or just for the big paycheck—she manages to insert a few phrases that sound like nursery rhymes into her speech. The following have vaulted verbatim from Palin's tongue to the page. No words have been changed.


"That Mr. Klein Is No Pal of Mine"

What a piece of work
That Mr. Klein is!
For the piece
That he wrote, that is

Something else, you know
You would hope,
That the powers that
Be at a, quote, unquote,

"Reputable" organization
Like Time magazine
That they would hold
Their employee-e-e—

And I assume that
Mr. Klein gets paid
For the columns that
He writes—that they

Would hold their employee

—Hannity, Fox News, April 27, 2010
[,2933,591654,00.html ]


"Energy Destiny"

Great destiny, our destiny!
To be reached by—responsibly!
Developing our natural resources, this land,
Blessed with clean air, water, wildlife, minerals, and:
Oil and gas! It's energy!


—Resignation speech as governor of Alaska, July 3, 2009
( , )]


"Governor Jan Brewer Had It To Do, Too"

To help protect the citizens
Of her state she had to do
What the federal government
Has refused to do!

And that is help secure the borders;
I think it's shameful, too,
That the Obama administration
Has allowed, too, this, too!

—Hannity, Fox News, April 27, 2010
[,2933,591654,00.html ]


"Blue Dog Peekaboo"

Blue-dog Democrats
Peeking under the tent.
You know …

… and finding out,
And Holy Geez! I'm scared!

—Interview with Tea Party Nation questioners, CNN, Feb. 6, 2010
[ ]




Signs we read out there in the rallies.
One of them I saw yesterday
Said, "I can see freedom from my house."
I think they were quoting Tina Fey.


Usually, if there's a bad poster out there,
I pretend I don't even see it; but yesterday
I could not miss it; they were these life-size
pictures of naked people. I was like, OK …

—speech in Hamilton, Ontario, April 15, 2010
[ ]


"On- and Offshore"

There are hundreds of trillions more
undiscovered both on shore and offshore.
Just piles of energy in that part
of North America that again
can be tapped responsibly
… and make us all secure!

—Speech in Hamilton, Ontario, April 15, 2010
[ ]


"Prayer Before Debating Joe Biden"


I said, "Piper, 'kay,
I'm going out onstage.
I'm debatin' this guy,
it's going to be kind
of tough," I said. "SO PRAY!"


I said, "Piper, just pray
that I win, 'cause you know,
why not, just pray that
I do well—and, oh!,

Man, try and keep it
easy," I said. "JUST PRAY!"

—speech in Hamilton, Ontario, April 15, 2010
[ ]


"Ode to Hamilton"

To help other people
… and, um,
It's wonderful to be in
… Hamilton.
I got to go—
… for a run.

—speech in Hamilton, Ontario, April 15, 2010
[ ]


"In the Arena for Carly Fiorina"


Contested primaries! So I'm glad to see
The contest in California's GOP.
But I support Carly! ... As she
Fights through a tough primary
Against a liberal member of the GOP!


We have a real chance
Of putting an end to
The Pelosi/Reid big
Government agenda!

—Facebook note, May 6, 2010
[ ]


"I'm Sick and Tired"

I'm sick and tired
… of hearing about
Obama and the White House
… coming out


—Hannity, Fox News, April 27, 2010
[,2933,591654,00.html ]


"No Flow"


To just hunker down
And go with the flow?
Nah, only dead fish
Go with the flow. NO!


There is such a need
To build up and fight!
For our state and our country.
I choose to FIGHT.


I will support you
Because we need you,
And you can effect change,
And I can, TOO!

—Resignation speech as governor of Alaska, July 3, 2009
( , )]


"On Rand Paul"

A bit of a libertarian,
But, you know,
Heaven forbid
That we go

The opposite direction
Of a libertarian
And what they
Are believing in!

—Hannity, Fox News, May 18, 2010
[,2933,593166,00.html ]


"On Mark Critz"

A Democrat, he won!
He was pro-life, pro-gun!
And he won there!
In a district where
Democrats outnumber Republicans—two to one!

—Fox News Sunday, May 23, 2010
[,2933,593404,00.html ]


"It's Not About Me"

You know, this is not about me.
But I do appreciate the
Platform that I've been given,
The opportunities that I have to be

Out there speaking to these
Good, hard-working, average, everyday,
Patriotic Americans who want to see
The positive change in our country.

—Fox News Sunday, May 23, 2010
[,2933,593404,00.html ]


Hart Seely is the author of Mrs. Goose Goes to Washington: Nursery Rhymes for the Political Barnyard [ ].

© Copyright 2010 Washington Post.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC [with comments]


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05/08/12 12:35 AM

#174917 RE: F6 #85189

McCain: Palin VP choice based on qualifications

By DAVE LEVINTHAL | 5/6/12 11:09 AM EDT

Sarah Palin's qualifications were the overriding reason Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) selected the former Alaska governor as his 2008 presidential running mate, he said Sunday.

Speaking about presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney selecting of a vice presidential running mate [ ], McCain said on ABC's "This Week" that the “primary, absolute, most important aspect is if something happened to him, would that person be well qualified to take that place?”

“I happen to believe that was the … primary factor on my decision in 2008," McCain said, "and I know it will be Mitt’s.”

Having a “person [Romney] knows he could trust,” is also a critical consideration," McCain told host Jake Tapper.

In the aftermath of McCain's failed presidential campaign, Palin's detractors - and some supporters - criticized her as ill-prepared to serve as president had she been pressed into duty. The recent movie "Game Change [ ]" dramatized just that.

Republicans are lucky this election cycle, McCain added, because they have a “very deep bench” when it comes to potential vice presidential nominees.

© 2012 POLITICO LLC [with comments]


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