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10/13/04 12:16 PM

#55071 RE: Fullmoon #55070

To Kev not Kevin

I long ago gave up trying to understand your agenda here. If you are sure we are pie eyed crazies then why not just sell at a buck a few weeks ago and leave.

I try to keep a clear head and don't post much anymore because there are few issues left unresovled at this point. Those issues are real and keep the market price very low because without a GREAT deal of effort Wave's potential seems small and success unlikely.

If I were viewing this from the street I'd be worried and I am worried about the delay in v2.1 standards....the endless promisies from NSM and no delivery at all. So why am I still around with more shares ---- ATTESTATION!!!

Enterprises need it. Business needs it. National security needs it....and as Weets put it so well so long ago It's coming! It's arriving! It's on schedule but the train is a very slow train. Congress, repubs and dems, can't get their acts together. But they will, eventually. What is it that Bill gets!!! He gets attestation!!!

I agree with Doma..... the strategy is secure Enterprise first, get people used to that level of security in the office and then move it cautiouly into products that people are willing to pay more for extra consumer security.

If my University, for example, used it for internal purposes, I'd be able to do trading or banking from the campus. Now I won't put my info on that system. Nor would I use an insecure wireless or internet cafe machine for anything but reading non essential stuff.

Those of us who still believe, may have some doubts, but to be fair SKS has said for a long time its about building infrastructure, developing product, planting market share flags, and waiting, waiting, waiting for the world to turn to the solution. It's coming! Remember when folks said Wave has a solution to which there was no problem. It sure ain't fun being early to the party --- but I also remember wishing I could pick up shares like Snackman, years before I joined the group.

Simple answer, the same as the last four years --- long term investment -- either you trust management to execute or you execute managment or exit the investment.

I believe in another saying besides TTT. When you have them by the chips, their hearts, minds, and wallets will follow. I'm sure many here can ATTEST to that phenomenon!!!

Hang Tough unless you believe Lark is invited to speak before all these groups just because he's a good story teller. Watch for v 1.2 and the ACM and understand the efforts of Doma and Awk to clarify the rumblings below the surface of Mt. St. Wave.

It's either going to happen the way SKS suggests or the way Large Hedge suggests. Thus it has always been.

Lastly, Barge you are getting yourself upset!!! There is no PR because Doma is right about the fact that there is no consumer market for this Christmas.......and stealth therefore still makes sense from a practical business point of view. Why should they announce their game plan before the game?

Remember the whole point of both security and privacy is to PREVENT the other fellow from gaining useful information before the proper time......

Yes, we've been promised results for many many quarters --- Yes, we are insanely frustrated, Yes, we could have made money or LOST it in other stocks, but as the wonderful Ronle reminds us....It's not how long you've played the game, but where you FINISH.

Hang Tough!!!

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10/13/04 12:26 PM

#55073 RE: Fullmoon #55070

Kevin--Great partner find!!! I'll be damned but WAVE seems pop up EVERYWHERE one looks!


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10/13/04 12:49 PM

#55080 RE: Fullmoon #55070

Thanks Kevin, ComplianceEase is a division of LogicEase Solutions. From Wave's Q3 2002:

LogicEase Solutions To Use SignOnline® Capabilities: Last month, Wave and LogicEase Solutions entered into an agreement whereby LogicEase became an early customer for Wave’s SignOnline® digital signature and storage services products, which ensure the integrity of legally-binding digital contracts, for use in the mortgage industry. LogicEase also plans on incorporating the SignOnline portfolio with their ComplianceEase Solutions suite in order to address compliance with "predatory lending" legislation enacted in numerous states.

Of course, as usual, we never hear anything more about these relationships. maybe as TPMs penetrate more and more we will.