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10/21/09 12:52 PM

#4607 RE: dicutt_up #4604

Well, I am a rocket scientist, so to answer your question, we didn't think pigs could fly here either, but then "swine-flu". Then again the same people in charge of wealth today are the same people that crucified Christ and St. Peter. So what gives....the fact that we're at DOW 10,000+ and holding is proof the whole take-down last year was a chicken-little scare to dethrown George Bush Jr. and the Republican Party. Bottom line is we have a hope, it's in Chris Christie. I'm voting for him, only a fool could look at any billionare running for office, Bush, Corzine, Bloomberg, Democrat & Republican alike, and vote for them. We need men and women in office who will make our community better. We need leaders who will get projects like Silver Falcon Mining off the ground. America needs jobs and we have 100's of mines lying dormant with proven reserves. DRILL DRILL DRILL! Gold is at $1050.00 and holding. We need to drill now, not later. Get that mine up and running and get the dividends out to the shareholders. What's taking so long?