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10/16/09 2:16 PM

#34881 RE: AceFranklin #34878

makes a lot of sense, Ace!!

EVFL will be selling a blend of ethanol with regular gas and biodiesel with regular diesel--all the players will be
contributing their part!!!



10/16/09 2:30 PM

#34893 RE: AceFranklin #34878


I said this about a week ago, and I got called out on SWRS. However, you mentioned "4" entities linked to our stock but you supplied "3." Can you tell us the one that is missing? Thanks.

GO EVFL/EVLN/SWRS/ and Companies!!!


10/16/09 2:41 PM

#34903 RE: AceFranklin #34878

Thanks ace,,, your info is good once again!!!

btw was joking about the 1 share of this sw...
whatever they give is fine by me.

long and strong go evfl


10/16/09 4:33 PM

#34950 RE: AceFranklin #34878

Ace: That is the best speculation I've seen on this board in awhile. You are right, these pieces fit into the imaginary puzzle pretty well. Now if we only knew what the picture puzzle looks like.

Nice post Ace, thanks.