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Essence Of Wealth

10/12/09 10:29 AM

#34322 RE: Gartenzwerg #34314

Your right Gartenzwerg, maybe we should and you would be the ultimate adult of everyone. Never whines about anything and probably would throw a party if we do get a R/S just to celebrate your ultimate knowledge about the in's and out's of investing in stocks.

Buying and selling stocks are no different than getting your first job, you don't get experience until you acually get the job. Not too many ppl are going to go the college to lean how to trade stocks (especially pinks) and since this is still a free country, the ones that don't have a lot of money or knowledge in trading stocks, still have every right to do so and post about it. Chances are ppl here (with great knowledge in trading stocks like you) are going to see more new investors than anywhere else because these sub-pennies are the only ones new, inexperienced and low income ppl can afford. IMHO

I mostly post positives about EVFL but oh my god if I post just one slightly negative one all hell breaks lose.

So with that said...
You get real, dude.


Maybe we should also pass a law that people must pass a test before investing in stocks. The test would show that they fully understand the in's and out's of investing in stocks, the risks, the terminology, etc.. Should reduce some of the whining on these boards.

Get real dude.