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10/08/09 5:34 PM

#40523 RE: lifegear #40522

Yeh, they did, in answer to my question of how they are paying for day to day expenses. Have no idea from where unless residuals from the 1mm RRD gave Adam under the salvage contract.

When I answered a post asking why we're not pursuing other things than the glass factory, I stated they have no income. It was a stronger statement. imo their response was stating they have trump change to keep the lights on, were not saying they had enough to surge forward with the coal, WV NG, etc.. misleading? My bad.

If RRD is in fact the controlling interest, imo they'll be proceeding slowly until income begins to come in from the salvage. BUT, that's imo what will happen, not what possibly should happen. If they are supposed to pay BCND the 5.35mm under their contract soon, they should pay up and use that for what we have pending and if some other endeavor should surface, investigate it.

Oh Where, Oh Where, Has Sweet Sue Gone,
Oh Where, Oh Where Has She Gone?