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01/29/01 3:03 PM

#222 RE: smart_sassy #211

sassy/Campaign Finance Reform vs Freedom of Speech

"It [pornography] does not affect or harm you."

I agree. Neither does campaign financing. Some of the religious types may say that pornography leads to lewd and deviant behavior. So what? Others use the same logic and say that campaign financing leads to biased politics. Again I say, so what? The problem is not the pornography or campaign financing, the problem is the lewd deviant behavior (debatable as to whether or not that is even a problem) and the biased power that politicians have. Remove their power to benefit one group over another, and your problem is solved. There will always be people who have a better chance at getting their voice heard, whether it be rich corporations or the media or celebrities. Rather than restricting their voice, why don't we restrict the detrimental effects that their voices can cause?

"If we limit the amount of money to influence the politicians, then we limit the power of the gov't."

No we don't. The government still has the ability to implement new social programs. The government still has the ability to take away more than half of our income. The government still has the ability to monitor our sex lives and tell us what substances we can or cannot put into our bodies. Campaign finance reform does not limit any power of the government. It only limits the power of private individuals to have their say in how the government is run.

As for baseball, I am not that big of a sports fan, but I do know of the problem. It really is up to the owners. If they believe that they can make more money by paying a few players ridiculous sums, and pay other players next to nothing, then so be it. If they realize that this is turning away fans and is causing them a loss in revenue, then they will implement their own restrictions and socialize baseball. Libertarians have no problem with private organizations implementing restrictions on themselves and self-governing. We do have a problem with government setting such restrictions, especially when those restrictions limit freedom of speech.

As to the effect on third parties, I agree that campaign finance reform would benefit third parties. I also believe that abolishing the Electoral College would benefit third parties. However, the LP is a party of principle and we are not concerned with things that only benefit our own self-interest at the expense of others. We wish to succeed on our own merits and not by tinkering with the system.

"I think it is high time for Campaign Finance Reform - maybe McCain-Feingold won't solve all of the issues, but isn't it good to start?"

No. It is possibly the worst piece of legislation being brought to the public forum. We have given up freedom after freedom, and this is yet another example of following that road downhill.