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10/05/09 6:22 PM

#16568 RE: *~1Best~* #16558

No Wonder why Americans and the Nation is going bankrupted.
7 out 10 of the Fed is owned by non-US.

The top 10 owners of the Fed are:

1. The Rothschild Family - London
2. The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3. The Lazard brothers - Paris
4. Israel Seiff - Italy
5. Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6. The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7. The Warburgs - Hamburg
8. Lehman Brothers - NY
9. Goldman & Sachs - NY
10. The Rockefeller Family - NY

The federal Reserve bank of NY is owned by:

1. Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefeller Family) 32.3%
2. Citibank - 20.5%


10/06/09 6:00 AM

#16573 RE: *~1Best~* #16558

Bernanke is a traitor and deceiver!!

The FED is disguising as if it is a US government entity, and millions of Americans are deceived!

No Wonder why Americans and the Nation is going bankrupted.
7 out 10 of the Fed is owned by non-US.

The top 10 owners of the Fed are:

1. The Rothschild Family - London
2. The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3. The Lazard brothers - Paris
4. Israel Seiff - Italy
5. Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6. The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7. The Warburgs - Hamburg
8. Lehman Brothers - NY
9. Goldman & Sachs - NY
10. The Rockefeller Family - NY

The federal Reserve bank of NY is owned by:

1. Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefeller Family) 32.3%
2. Citibank - 20.5%


update: Should the Fed be abolished?

~*~ U.S. House to Hold Hearings on Federal Reserve Audit ~*~

H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009

Should the Fed be abolished? * 16871 responses ~~>>> Yes 91%
The Poll is at the bottom.

The USD currency lost 96% of its value since the FED started in 1913.

The FED bankrupted millions of Americans and now in the process of bankrupting the nation.

Millions of Americans are still thinking that the Fed is a government entity --
in reality, 7 out of 10 owners of the FED are non-USA as listed above.

The FED does not have any interest for Americans, but deceives Americans for profit
as we have the evidences of decades of the Fed operation.

As a result, millions of Americans have gone bankrupted, our nation is going bankrupt,
and 1% owns over 90% of wealth -- and the wealth disparity is getting worse.


10/09/09 1:28 PM

#16654 RE: *~1Best~* #16558

Oxymoron >> Obama Takes The Offensive With Financial Reform

(((~~~ This is oxymoron barking at wrong tree after millions of Americans went bankrupt and many has spent life-savings and home equity loans. And the FED and financial mafia is robbing the nation.

Song and dance to distract from important issues -- e.g audit the FED and abolish the FED bankrupting the nation. ~~~)))

| 09 Oct 2009 | 12:00 PM ET

President Obama has not been one to use the bully pulpit and in the rare times that he has he’s taken a “speak-softly but carry a big stick” approach. That seems to be the case he's about to take with the creation of a consumer protection agency as part of his regulatory reform plan one year after the financial crisis.

With an apparent health care pause, the President and his team have in the recent week have returned their attention to the equally complicated task of pushing radical and complicated financial reform through Congress as the crisis mentality fades.

“No question about it, the administration has stepped up its push,” said one senior Congressional staffer familiar with the legislative agenda.
# Watch President Obama Live on at 2 pm ET

A big step in that push takes place Friday afternoon. The President takes the stage along with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the two key Congressional Democrats, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd, who are crafting legislation on the behalf of the administration.

Analysts as well as some on Capitol Hill say the consumer issue is the one most likely to benefit from increased voter awareness and help advance legislation.

“He’ll get the phones ringing, no doubt,” says Rep. Scott Garrett, (R-N.J.), one of the authors of the GOP’s regulatory reform package, who is quick to add that opponents of the agency will also be phoning into Congressional offices.

“I suspect there will be a lot [of phone calls]. Congress will react to the public when it makes a stink,” says communications expert and former Senate aide Larry Smith, “He and Barney Frank could get a grassroots thing working to support what they're trying to do.”

That approach is evident in the White House news advisory for the event, which says the President, one of the four horsemen of financial reform, "will call on Americans to stand up to the opponents of a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency and urge Congress to act quickly in passing a regulatory reform package by the end of the year."

“People in the White House really want the consumer thing,” says the Congressional source.

And many in Congress, on both sides of the political aisle, don’t want it.

For some, it was the last thing people were thinking when they started talking about reform measures a year ago, and for that reason, the CFPA has been the most controversial component of the multi-part legislative package, which also includes the creation of a super regulator, new authority over too-big-to-fail firms, consolidated banking oversight and regulation of over-the-counter derivatives.

“Say what you may about needing it (CFPA), I don’t see the relevance of that to the crisis we just went through," says former FDIC Chairman William Isaac. “Is the White using the crisis as a pretext for getting the consumer agency. I think that’s a fair question.”

By now, the White House is well aware of such skepticism. The President’s remarks today will no doubt include references to a meeting earlier in the day with what the White House calls five Americans who “who represent the millions from across the country who have been hurt by the outdated rules regulating the financial sector."

Sources in both government and industry say the consumer protection agency may also be the financial reform measure nearest and dearest to the President’s heart.

“Look at where he came from,” says strategist Smith, referring to the President’s days as a community group lawyer. “It’s very consistent with the concept of the consumer protection agency. To most people there is the attitude the financial institutions are out to take every penny they can. He’s got a great audience.”

“This is most to the most obvious change they're making that will affect the most Americans,” says the Congressional source, who also acknowledged the President’s personal interest.

For this president, who many say has remained in campaign mode since his election victory, personal interest may dovetail nicely with the public’s ability to engage in the policy debate.

“Its probably right up there with executive compensation legislation, anything that has a populist ring to it,” says Rep. Garrett. “Other pieces of the package, like derivatives, are a little harder to explain to people. It doesn’t resonate.”



10/12/09 10:08 AM

#16677 RE: *~1Best~* #16558

Fraud & Collusion >> Big Banks Looking Good, Regionals to Take Hit:

((( criminals trading against public using fraud and collusion. ~~)))

| 12 Oct 2009 | 09:33 AM ET

Strong trading activity will help the big banks post handsome profits in the coming quarters while their smaller counterparts will continue to languish, banking analyst Dick Bove told CNBC.

Commercial real estate damage and the need to build reserves will cause about 60 percent of regional banks to post losses, the Rochdale Securities analyst said in a live interview.

"They're under-reserved, so you're going to see a big jump in reserves," Bove said.

Conversely, strong activity in fixed income and capital markets will boost some of Wall Street's biggest names.

"We're seeing a widening of the activity in the fixed-income market, particularly with issuance by new ... offerings," Bove said. "Where you should put your money from my perspective is Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley."

In addition to Goldman and Morgan Stanley he also said JPMorgan Chase will benefit from strong trading even though its traditional banking side has suffered losses. He also mentioned Lazard and State Street .

Bove also reiterated positive statements about Bank of America . While the company still faces some losses, investors should look forward on BofA, which he said he expects to see losses reduced dramatically in the coming years.

At the same time, he cautioned that troubles at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp will eat into all banking earnings, but particularly the bigger names that will have to increase their premium payments. FDIC premiums could consume as much as 25 percent of bank earnings, Bove said.

He also addressed the lack of bank lending, saying institutions are stockpiling money received through the government's Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility program. Banks have put most of the TALF money in the Federal Reserve "until they know what the political landscape" is going to be for their operations.
© 2009



10/13/09 6:14 PM

#16695 RE: *~1Best~* #16558

We have class action law suits against FAZ and UYG. We are still waiting for law suits against the FED for fraudulently deceiving Americans and market participants.

Since they made billions and trillions, and now bankrupting our country, it is only fair to spit out their wealth to repay trillions of US debt.