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10/06/09 6:04 AM

#16574 RE: *~1Best~* #16573

The criminal FED is taking down USD -- God's damnation to the FED is coming on the mega deceivers and the Fed slaves.

$DXY 76.32 -0.33 -0.43%

BERNANKE TRAITOR and LIAR! The FED is damned big demon.

The same criminal deception with lies and hype.

Damnation to the FED for massive lies, slaving millions, bankrupting millions, BANKRUPTING OUR NATION.

Deceiving me for decades and millions of Americans.

The Fed demons will be burning in hell for all the fraud and deception for 100 years!

Millions of Americans are still being deceived.

Damnation to the FED!!!


10/06/09 6:30 AM

#16576 RE: *~1Best~* #16573

Geithner criminal traitor >> IMF Needs to Spot New Investment Bubbles: Geithner (((~~ the traitors were lying to Americans for decades -- anything they do is to steal money from Americans in reality. We need to abolish the FED, Goldman, and other traitors to fix the criminal operations.

Now, the criminal FED is busy stealing billions/day from the US Treasury!!! ~~~)))))

| 06 Oct 2009 | 06:08 AM ET

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Tuesday called on the International Monetary Fund to provide rigorous surveillance to spot new investment bubbles and keep country foreign exchange policies in line with goals to rebalance the global economy.

In remarks prepared for delivery to the IMF and World Bank annual meetings here, Geithner said the IMF needed to help police economic and currency policies among the Group of 20 developed and emerging countries.

"The IMF will need to be a truth-teller," Geithner said in the remarks, which were to be delivered by Treasury Acting Assistant Secretary Mark Sobel.

"For the IMF, this means that rigorous surveillance must help us shed light on trends that could lead to the next unsustainable boom," Geithner said.

"Under the new G20 framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, the IMF must provide forward-looking analysis of whether the world's major countries are implementing economic policies, including exchange rate policies, which are collectively consistent with G20 objectives."

Geithner said the global economy was stabilizing and showing initial signs of recovery but conditions remained fragile.

He said the international community had recognized that "the world cannot return to a pattern of uneven growth, characterized by an excessive reliance on a single engine of consumption-led growth, while others relied heavily on external demand." "First and foremost, the responsibility for tackling these problems rests with sovereign governments, including my own," he said.

Geithner added that the IMF and World Bank needed to enhance their legitimacy and the United States was "delighted" with international commitments for a shift of at least 5 percent in IMF quota share toward "dynamic underrepresented countries" by January 2011 and by a call to shift at least 3 percent of voting power in the World Bank by spring 2010.

Geithner called the World Bank the "centerpiece" of the multilateral development system, but said it will need to focus more on building resilience to crises and laying foundations for prosperity, with a special focus on support for the poorest, Geithner said.

"With concessional financing deploying more quickly, donors must commit to successful and timely replenishments of IDA and the African Development Fund, Geithner said. "When considering the MDB capital requests, we must recognize the importance of maintaining the IBRD's financial soundness."

He said the World Bank must more actively prioritize work on three emerging global priorities: agriculture and food security, support in the most fragile environments, and facilitating a transition to a green economy.



10/06/09 6:54 AM

#16577 RE: *~1Best~* #16573

Bernanke is a traitor and deceiver!! What does the US Justices would do if an American did the similar fraudulent activities ~~~>> These criminals will all go to jail for 10000 years for deceiving millions of Americans for decades -- there are 1000000s soldiers who died for the country.

These damned liars are bankrupting the United States -- and fraudulently lied to millions of Americans for decades!

Americans should hold them liable for 100 trillions to restore the United States and millions of Americans' suffering and death.

They should pay me billions for fraudulent deceptions which caused me suffering and years of life!

Billions times millions of Americans = 100 trillions for their crimes.

Most of all, the Fed criminals defiled and destroyed the God-fearing country into demonic money slaves.

Sooner or later, the criminals will pay for their crimes!


Bernanke is a traitor and deceiver!!

The FED is disguising as if it is a US government entity, and millions of Americans are deceived!

No Wonder why Americans and the Nation is going bankrupted.
7 out 10 of the Fed is owned by non-US.

The top 10 owners of the Fed are:

1. The Rothschild Family - London
2. The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3. The Lazard brothers - Paris
4. Israel Seiff - Italy
5. Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6. The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7. The Warburgs - Hamburg
8. Lehman Brothers - NY
9. Goldman & Sachs - NY
10. The Rockefeller Family - NY

The federal Reserve bank of NY is owned by:

1. Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefeller Family) 32.3%
2. Citibank - 20.5%