JO. There is much more to the media clam-up than “protecting consumer confidence” IMO. It is understandable why cowards such as CNN and MSNBC do not want to touch this story but it is still very queer that FOXnews and some large independent radio stations will not roll with this.
As many of you know, I had emailed Charles Payne a few weeks back asking whether he would be interested in the WAMU truth! He got back with me and was very excited about the stories potential and said that he would need some time to do his DD! I forwarded him some very informative, concise, in-a-nutshell board posts to start with and a few days later sent him more info with links to court docs, etc.! Basically, I handed him the story on a silver platter!
Well, it’s been over 2 weeks and NO report on this and NO recent re-turn emails from Mr. Payne! Was his interest CURTAILED by even the powers that be at FOX? It is as if JPM has there hand in everything and owns everyone.
It may sound like I am being a conspiracy theorist but I have never once drank kool-aid with nurse Jeff – LOL!