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09/26/09 11:25 PM

#169267 RE: CSykes #169245

Well I am not quite sure what point your trying to make with the psycho analytical academic social argument but whatever....

I will take exception with the INTELLIGENT Obama remark. If you talking about IQ, its all relative. If you talking political intelligence, he is a babe in the woods and he has proven time after time. He just has the media and his liberal minions shouting from every soapbox trying to convince everyone that what we know and what we see is not what really is.

Anyway, not sure that is why govt was created but lets concede that point. Here is a news flash, the govt is run by PEOPLE, the very people you say cant be trusted to run a truly FREE MARKET.

While your adaptation argument may hold up in a SOCIOLOGY class, IMHO its all about control. For you see, govt has SHOWN that very inclination for 100's years and its the true nature of its function to control its people.

To decide for them, to SHOW THEM THE WAY. The problem is we dont breed politicians, they are not MADE in academia, they are not trained, they come from the very population that you say cant create a free market so that in itself flaws your theory. So why are you so convinced that pulling from that unqualified POOL would make them govern any better than letting the free market reign? I mean if both are flawed, then the freedom part of a FREE MARKET should trump control in my book.

Now, please answer my previous question, why does it not bother you that the politicians will not adhere to the same policies and mandates they require us to? It was a very cordial question and I would like an answer please.