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09/26/09 8:20 PM

#103307 RE: Land Agent #103305

You so OBVIOUSLY did not listen to the hearing on Friday. WMI's lawyers OWNED JPM's. Go listen to the recordings then report back.


09/26/09 8:21 PM

#103308 RE: Land Agent #103305

Two trillion? Wow, that's wonderful. Then they will certainly have no problem paying Wamu a measley 30 billion. Cha-ching.


09/26/09 9:39 PM

#103322 RE: Land Agent #103305

YES..TIGARS !!!! and they are going to shred JD to pieces....Gooo WAMUQ


09/26/09 9:53 PM

#103324 RE: Land Agent #103305

LA, did you read the article by The Street, buddies of JPM, that basically said we are warning JPM shareholders not to be blindsided by a settlement? When your buddy tells you, 'look champ, you goofed, pay up and don't blindside your family' its time to pay attention....


09/26/09 10:43 PM

#103326 RE: Land Agent #103305

They are afraid of nothing...just watch. Heat is about to hit the pan.


09/26/09 11:20 PM

#103329 RE: Land Agent #103305

We have the best BK lawyers in the world... They are not afraid of anything... they are just letting others hang themselves.

Lawrence 147

09/27/09 3:54 PM

#103436 RE: Land Agent #103305

Land Agent:

Pussy cats, hardly. You are sadly correct in that they hold the Social Security funds of the country. However that in its self does not usurp the law and should give credence to the fact that the US has hitched its wagon to an evil train. The SSI should be seeing the interest, all of it from those funds. This is money taken at the point of a gun with a promise to be returned. Like all ponzi schemes it to is doomed to fail but when? It was the evil that is rampant with power and the hubris that follows intellect that messed up with these matters. They have attempted to takedown the economic structure of a country for the power it gives them. They will in all eventuality be able to do this at some point, but not this time. At this time and under these conditions it would still cause a revolution and that is not how they wish to accomplish their goal. We still have a military that loves its country as they do their parents brothers and sisters. They would never support such a move. For now it is up to the court and JPM / FDIC to work this out. Neither JPM nor the FDIC want this information public and for very good reason. This garbage goes far beyond a petty embarrassment this goes well into a national travesty. I do not support a new reserve currency for trade as it would further damage the US but if we as a nation can not keep our house in order then perhaps the rest of the world is on to something. The actions between the FDIC and JPM deserve a very longtime in a very small cell for some very wealthy and powerful people as their actions have caused tremendous damage throughout the world and to no benefit other than a very few people.