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09/26/09 6:47 PM

#169236 RE: CSykes #169235

They do point it out, but the flaw in your hypothesis is you assume all should look at things thru the eyes of the govt should provide for us, ALL OF US.

Those that disagree do not see it that way. Health care, in my view, along with numerous other govt programs is NOT the job of the govt in OUR society.

That is the biggest difference that you and others that hold your view dont see. Yes, given your opinion it IS the best, but its not what the majority of people want, ANOTHER GOVT RUN PROGRAM. Why is THAT so hard for you and others like you to see?

You boil it down to an uncaring and mean spirited point of view you think those that disagree hold. Farther from the truth, we care as much or more but numerous if not ALL govt run programs have shown to be majorly flawed, cumbersome and bloated and they GROW.

That is the premise behind the disagreement. We dont want govt to run the show, period. Why wouldnt you agree to a single payer INSURANCE program w/o govt interference?

Because control is lost by the govt and they cant have that. There is a wolf in sheep's clothing here and ideologues are whistling past the graveyard and refuse to acknowledge its existence. We know how this movie ends and once it begins to play, you can never stop it

Listen the SIN IS NOT TO BE DUMB, THE SIN IS TO STAY DUMB and that applies here more than ever.

The system is not unrepairable, but you dont have to CASH FOR CLUNKERS the whole deal to put a new set of tires and tune of the engine. I mean really.

This is another way to exploit the number of people that can provide for themselves and in turn pass all the cost by pulling into the system those that either choose not to or cant afford to carry insurance. This is not an equitable situation. The govt forces cost onto others, taxes and then spreads the wealth around and keep a little for themselves.

You sound honest in your convictions, then tell me why they are not demanding that THEY be on the same plan? That is a very VERY important little tidbit that should scare the hell outta everyone. The do as I say, not as I do philosophy is a tell tell sign that something stinks, period.

We, the citizens, have let the politicians dictate to us certain laws, fines, taxes and on and on that THEY seem to deflect from themselves. And now you think they have had a come to Jesus epiphany and are now willing to stoop down and join us, NO WAY JOSE.

How about this, instead of changing the system, why dont they mandate a 10% cut across the board cut in all programs and let that pay as an incentive to monetarily fund those that can afford insurance? Why is it they we, the taxpayers, are always asked to give MORE and give up more freedom? Why?



09/26/09 7:36 PM

#169237 RE: CSykes #169235

"when you have people calling Obama's policies "Socialist" and at the same time holding a sign of the president looking like Hitler, you kinda have to wonder how smart these people really are". Not very...they're so filled with hatred for Obama they grasp at labels, not knowing what they're talking about.

"confusing Socialism with Facism is a pretty easy thing to do...if your an idiot". You got it!!


09/26/09 10:45 PM

#169248 RE: CSykes #169235

Right the government controlling one of the largest industries in the country is not socialism....