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09/20/09 9:08 PM

#12819 RE: TRPL7s #12818

Nice ad... thanks for posting the link...

NOW if LNGT can begin delivering on a wonderful story!


09/20/09 9:09 PM

#12820 RE: TRPL7s #12818

Here come the excuses.

The cheerleading gets me sick sometimes. I'm as negative on the fundamentals as some of you are positive.

Let me spell this out for you. LNGT paid for the TOP TIER...the "Gift Suite Sponosoship" This is the SAME as the table sponsors PLUS below...(It says they are the gift suite sponsor, so if this is wrong please let me know)

The truth is..not ONE person can come forth with a SOURCE OUTSIDE the company. The ICEMAN was once associated pumping this stock. (had to throw that in their, love that tidbit)

OH, and when the startup guy comes back promoting the "drop of lawsuit from taser" make sure he adds "with prejudice" My take from that is that Taser can come back and file a lawsuit again when they feel it necessary. (maybe someone with more legal knowledge can confer)

If all this was true the stock would be trading 50 cents - 2 dollars, but no real investors see any value in this FLUFF

Title:  Gift Suite Sponsored By
Product and Services displayed on fine linen clouding atop Emerging Magazine main suite table.
Logo and inclusion in all press releases and marketing materials, logo and link on Emerging Magazine's website and news blog.
One Company representative may attend event for two hours.
Product photo poster or your company 16x20 poster presented on Emerging Magazine's medium length table.
Prominent center display of product or service.
Your product or service will be entered into a drawing with A-List celebrities with one celebrity selected as the winner.
Your product included in event producers gift bag with press coverage.
Listing of your company name on all event signage and event banner.
Emerging Magazine's large event banner will include your logo and the words, "Sponsored By....." in large detail.
Direct access by media for your product or service, including product demonstration and direct introduction.
Photo and video interview opportunities with nominees and presenters of the 2009 Emmy Awards.
Banner, link and company information listing as a Presenting Sponsor in Emerging Magazine's News Blog.
Promo page built on Emerging Magazine's website with details of your product or service, including photo slideshow and video of your product with nominees, presenters and other celebrities..
Dedicated press release of your product or service.