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09/09/09 9:30 PM

#3735 RE: Vexari #3734

saw a whole lot of brooding faces in the Republican side.
Question is can the Democratic party make the blue dogs stand up and sit on the left side of the fence. Some of it still tastes like its about having health insurance and not having health care.

mincing words and trying to change the direction of thought. The insurance companies would absolutely love mandatory health insurance, but we'll see how this goes. Against the law to turn down pre existing conditions, sounds good for the citizen. I'll believe it when there aren't loopholes in it.

Things would become interesting if the Dems would just tell the Republicans to have a seat in the basement, while we adults talk about bidness, like the republicans did to the Dems last administration. But that would be playing their game, and that's when they win, and they know it.

all about the win win for the upper crust.

Too much money pouring into the pockets of the members of Congress and the Supreme court is giving thought to loosening campaign finance limitations. If that happens we may as well stay home instead of voting.

Danger Danger Will Robinson!!