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09/03/09 10:55 AM

#270015 RE: robjer #270011


Nokia has already filed if a review is granted they are appealing the validity of the 4 patents. Which if you are not infringing would or shouldn't make a damn bit of difference to you if they are valid or invalid. Fighting the validity of the patents to me is self incriminating that you are infringing. Why not slide right on into the glad they have valid patnets but since we don't use the patents we are here to fight infringement. Nope they are here to hope like hell they can get validity overturned as some day somewhere they will be found to infringe a valid patent and they will have to pay a heck of a lot more than today, or I hope they will.

Would you not say Nokia has spent and will spend a lot of money trying to get patents declared invalid when they are not supposed to be infringing the patent, that makes no sense, How about if you was trying to claim I don't own the land you are trespassing on, when you if you wasn't trespassing you wouldn't give a crap who owns the land.
