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09/02/09 6:54 PM

#177886 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

No kidding.....imagine that. Can you elaborate Ruby1100???


09/02/09 7:08 PM

#177889 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Can't see it being any less, given 500M bbl in the JDZ + the EEZ rights.

Also, why would SNP not want to instantly own the majority of the JDZ. ERHE is an easy takeover, basically no employees, no infrastructure, no debt or capital equipment to worry about, just RIGHTS and INFLUENCE. A $2B share deal would not dilute SNP, and would likely not even cause a one day blip in SNP's share price.


Lickety Split

09/02/09 8:35 PM

#177938 RE: RUBY1100 #177885


How can you say Done and Done, then say in the next breath -

Depends on Drilling. Either it's done or it's not and your post does not sound like a Done deal to me but a May be done, IF drilling turns out as expected.

Please feel free to clarify.



09/02/09 8:43 PM

#177941 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Ruby1100, if we strike a significant amount of oil in blocks 2, 3, or 4, then $2-4/share won't be enough. Not to mention our other JDZ blocks plus the potential of our 4 STP EEZ blocks... Selling ERHC (722M shares x $4) for only $2.8B won't be enought for SEO (or this shareholder)....

JMHO. Time will tell....



09/02/09 9:36 PM

#177975 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Ruby1100; you have a history of posting news....for ERHC... thks. glta Dig.


09/03/09 8:32 AM

#178047 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

I would be extremely disappointed if ERHC was sold for anything less than $5 a share, and at that price I would be upset. I've held for all these years expecting $10 plus, and I expect we will get that once all of our rights including the EEZ are exploited, of course, I expect our price to appreciate over the time as we continue to exploit more and more of our assets, but I would definitely be extremely upset if ERHC was sold between $2 to 4, with the vast majority of our rights untapped.


09/06/09 2:51 PM

#178364 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Multiple Choice Testing:

If I were to answer a muliple choice question inquiring my forward thinking for ERHC Energy Inc, I would answer in this order:

A. ERHC will be sold in the next 1.5 weeks to the Chinese for a sp between $4 and $6 USD. This would have to take place before any drilling results were known to either the buyer or seller.

B. Richkans theory of the formation of a new company that would likely involve SNP/CVX and lil ole AFREN. ERHC would sell into the new company and ERHC shareholders would receive cash and warrants into said newly formed company.

C. ERHC is sold after results are known from the Kina/Bomua and Lemmba prospects. No way, IMHO, would there be a pre-formed range of $2 to $4 (as the post I am replying to) should this be the game plan.

D. ERHC sells its blocks 2, 3 and 4 interests and uses the cash to buy controlling interest of Afren.....and their management.

So there you have it. I am still under the mindthink that we see a 12'th hour deal BEFORE any drilling results are known by any parties. In my estimation.....this would have to occur BEFORE 9-19-09....and most likely this very week. No, I can't explain the $.72 shareprice other than I don't believe SEO would base any deal on our managements lackluster growth scheme capabilities. All IMHO of course.


10/15/09 7:49 AM

#183063 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Ruby, those are very fair estimates. Good to agree with you and Balance here.


11/06/09 12:23 PM

#185323 RE: RUBY1100 #177885

Balance keeps referring to this post of yours concerning possible buyout values.

Was the post that I'm replying to "your opinion" or was it something that you had heard from a source?

