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09/01/09 12:08 AM

#21677 RE: docshazam #21675

Doc all you say on here is contradicting and complete gibberish and I have lost all respect for anything you say. On Friday you said "Wait... Yes!!! I stand by statement profoundly... Bring it on!!". Earlier today you said "Keep trying to scare people...SOON very wont matter!!!". And just a few minutes ago you said "One day if this project lifts will be a great thing...until then...we are all smoking the optimistic pipe!!!!!"
So in the space two business days you went from standing by your statement profoundly.. bring it on!! and soon very soon it wont matter!! and now just a few minutes ago its "One day if this project lifts off" ?????????????? What the hell make up your mind be consistent you are a mess all over the place with this. Come on what are you talking about!!

You do see how more and more people including me who were very optimistic and supportive of the company are becoming critical and impatient mainly because of the company's inability to communicate and show any substantial milestones. If there is a shareholders meeting IMO it will likely be a hostile share holders meeting. If they plan on asking for anything which will further diminish or dilute our share values no matter how they may try to dress it up I will not be supportive of it. Probably won't be a shareholders meeting though IMO because it was only if resources were available and they probably blew most of the company budget on the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the 28th so probably no resources left for a $100 dollar telecom. Use to burn through a million a quarter for years though.