...honestly...the "numbers" you make up...
...are improbable and embarrassing...
...KR Beer should do VERY well in its infancy...
...but your unsubstantiated anecdotes (how many is that in the past two months?) about "queries" at KR concerts, etc, etc don't fool me or anyone here that thinks objectively and independently...that your minions, salivating for news, truthful or not, buy your prevarications is not surprising...what choice do they have NOW?...at NINE POINT SIX cents?...
...by the way, this line was a beaut! : <<Only 2 out of 10 even know he has a beer>>...
...six weeks ago you were telling us how EVERYONE knew about KR Beer...youtube, concerts, KR website...
...now it's down to "2 out of 10"!!!...
...seriously, you should do a better job of recall on your past posts...TOO funny!!!...Duke...
...oh, and by the way...you picked a spectacular stock to compare DKAM with : AIG...
...it is currently caught inside a classic (and monumental) "short-squeeze"...you know....the type you guys are always claiming will occur with DKAM...of course it will never occur, however, as the shares short are minimal (of course I'm not including the tens of millions of "naked shorts")!!!...LMAOLYWB!!!...