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08/29/09 10:32 AM

#47441 RE: poopscooper #47439

you must of been badly burnt by CES in the past..if so, seriously,I'm sorry for your loss...if you have other motives here, so be it...


08/29/09 2:28 PM

#47443 RE: poopscooper #47439

Poop I was just makeing a simple statement to others on this board who insist that the big 3 would have snaped this up or CES would have sold the patents to them if this were not a scam.

CES wants to be the next big thing and so does PYCT. They need to keep the patents in order to do so.

I am not going to debate the issue whether this is a scam or not. Just makeing some positive obsevations about PYCT. Since from your post you guess it was the patents CES sold then you are not sure. I did not read that they did but I will read anythng that you provide that says specifically that they sold the patents. Besides why would they be pushing Flushaway if they did not own them at this point in time? According to the FAQ that PYCT put on the web site it is posible that PYCT own some of the new patents and by doing some DD I am confident that CES does own most of the patents.

I do hope this does extremely well and to be honest if I makes me a huge profit and it turns out to be a scam so be, however at this point I am beinging to feel that is legit. A month ago I would have said it was a POS scam.